Robin Walker
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Cited by
A model of saccade generation based on parallel processing and competitive inhibition
JM Findlay, R Walker
Behavioral and Brain Sciences 22 (4), 661-674, 1999
Effect of remote distractors on saccade programming: evidence for an extended fixation zone
R Walker, H Deubel, WX Schneider, JM Findlay
Journal of neurophysiology 78 (2), 1108-1119, 1997
Curved saccade trajectories: Voluntary and reflexive saccades curve away from irrelevant distractors
M Doyle, R Walker
Experimental brain research 139, 333-344, 2001
Independent contributions of the orienting of attention, fixation offset and bilateral stimulation on human saccadic latencies
R Walker, RW Kentridge, JM Findlay
Experimental Brain Research 103, 294-310, 1995
Time course of oculomotor inhibition revealed by saccade trajectory modulation
E McSorley, P Haggard, R Walker
Journal of Neurophysiology 96 (3), 1420-1424, 2006
Saccadic eye movement and working memory deficits following damage to human prefrontal cortex
R Walker, M Husain, TL Hodgson, J Harrison, C Kennard
Neuropsychologia 36 (11), 1141-1159, 1998
Control of voluntary and reflexive saccades
R Walker, DG Walker, M Husain, C Kennard
Experimental Brain Research 130, 540-544, 2000
The control of saccade trajectories: Direction of curvature depends on prior knowledge of target location and saccade latency
R Walker, E McSorley, P Haggard
Perception & Psychophysics 68, 129-138, 2006
Distractor modulation of saccade trajectories: spatial separation and symmetry effects
E McSorley, P Haggard, R Walker
Experimental brain research 155, 320-333, 2004
Disentangling neglect and hemianopia
R Walker, JM Findlay, AW Young, J Welch
Neuropsychologia 29 (10), 1019-1027, 1991
Spatial and object-based neglect
R Walker
Neurocase 1 (4), 371-383, 1995
Multimodal visual–somatosensory integration in saccade generation
R Amlôt, R Walker, J Driver, C Spence
Neuropsychologia 41 (1), 1-15, 2003
Saccadic eye movement programming in unilateral neglect
R Walker, JM Findlay
Neuropsychologia 34 (6), 493-508, 1996
The parallel programming of voluntary and reflexive saccades
R Walker, E McSorley
Vision research 46 (13), 2082-2093, 2006
The oculomotor distractor effect in normal and hemianopic vision
R Walker, S Mannan, D Maurer, ALM Pambakian, C Kennard
Proceedings of the Royal Society of London. Series B: Biological Sciences …, 2000
Multisensory interactions in saccade target selection: curved saccade trajectories
MC Doyle, R Walker
Experimental Brain Research 142, 116-130, 2002
Deficits in volitional oculomotor control align with language status in autism spectrum disorders
DJ Kelly, R Walker, CF Norbury
Developmental science 16 (1), 56-66, 2013
Eye patching and the rehabilitation of visual neglect
R Walker
Neuropsychological Rehabilitation 6 (3), 219-232, 1996
Functional imaging of the human superior colliculus: an optimised approach
MB Wall, R Walker, AT Smith
Neuroimage 47 (4), 1620-1627, 2009
The spatial and temporal shape of oculomotor inhibition
E McSorley, P Haggard, R Walker
Vision Research 49 (6), 608-614, 2009
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Articles 1–20