James Robinson
James Robinson
Lancaster Environment Centre
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Cited by
Productive instability of coral reef fisheries after climate-driven regime shifts
JPW Robinson, SK Wilson, J Robinson, C Gerry, J Lucas, C Assan, ...
Nature Ecology & Evolution 3 (2), 183-190, 2019
Fishing degrades size structure of coral reef fish communities
JPW Robinson, ID Williams, AM Edwards, J McPherson, L Yeager, ...
Global change biology 23 (3), 1009-1022, 2017
Testing and recommending methods for fitting size spectra to data
AM Edwards, JPW Robinson, MJ Plank, JK Baum, JL Blanchard
Methods in Ecology and Evolution 8 (1), 57-67, 2017
Climatic and local stressor interactions threaten tropical forests and coral reefs
FM França, CE Benkwitt, G Peralta, JPW Robinson, NAJ Graham, ...
Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B 375 (1794), 20190116, 2020
Thermal stress induces persistently altered coral reef fish assemblages
JPW Robinson, SK Wilson, S Jennings, NAJ Graham
Global Change Biology, 2019
Changing role of coral reef marine reserves in a warming climate
NAJ Graham, JPW Robinson, SE Smith, R Govinden, G Gendron, ...
Nature Communications 11 (1), 2000, 2020
Boom and bust of keystone structure on coral reefs
SK Wilson, JPW Robinson, K Chong-Seng, J Robinson, NAJ Graham
Coral Reefs 38 (4), 625-635, 2019
Micronutrient supply from global marine fisheries under climate change and overfishing
E Maire, NAJ Graham, MA MacNeil, VWY Lam, JPW Robinson, ...
Current Biology 31 (18), 4132-4138. e3, 2021
Diversification insulates fisher catch and revenue in heavily exploited tropical fisheries
JPW Robinson, J Robinson, C Gerry, R Govinden, C Freshwater, ...
Science advances 6 (8), eaaz0587, 2020
Abiotic and biotic controls on coral recovery 16 years after mass bleaching
JPW Robinson, SK Wilson, NAJ Graham
Coral Reefs 38 (6), 1255-1265, 2019
Habitat and fishing control grazing potential on coral reefs
JPW Robinson, JM McDevitt‐Irwin, JC Dajka, J Hadj‐Hammou, S Howlett, ...
Functional Ecology 34 (1), 240-251, 2020
Safeguarding nutrients from coral reefs under climate change
EGJGNAJ Mellin C, Hicks C C, Fordham D A, Golden C D, Kjellevold M, MacNeil ...
Nature Ecology & Evolution, 2022
Managing fisheries for maximum nutrient yield
JPW Robinson, KL Nash, JL Blanchard, NS Jacobsen, E Maire, ...
Fish and Fisheries 23 (4), 800-811, 2022
Small pelagic fish supply abundant and affordable micronutrients to low-and middle-income countries
JPW Robinson, DJ Mills, GA Asiedu, K Byrd, MM Mancha Cisneros, ...
Nature Food 3 (12), 1075-1084, 2022
Climate-induced increases in micronutrient availability for coral reef fisheries
JPW Robinson, E Maire, N Bodin, TN Hempson, NAJ Graham, SK Wilson, ...
One Earth 5 (1), 98-108, 2022
Uncovering drivers of juvenile coral density following mass bleaching
JC Dajka, SK Wilson, JPW Robinson, KM Chong-Seng, A Harris, ...
Coral Reefs, 1-13, 2019
Trophic roles determine coral reef fish community size structure
JPW Robinson, JK Baum
Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 73 (4), 496-505, 2016
Environmental conditions and herbivore biomass determine coral reef benthic community composition: implications for quantitative baselines
JPW Robinson, ID Williams, LA Yeager, JM McPherson, J Clark, TA Oliver, ...
Coral Reefs, 1-12, 2018
Enhancing climate change research with open science
TC Tai, JPW Robinson
Frontiers in Environmental Science 6, 115, 2018
Accounting for the bin structure of data removes bias when fitting size spectra
AM Edwards, JPW Robinson, JL Blanchard, JK Baum, MJ Plank
Marine Ecology Progress Series 636, 19-33, 2020
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Articles 1–20