Oded Maler
Oded Maler
CNRS-VERIMAG, University of Grenoble
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Monitoring temporal properties of continuous signals
O Maler, D Nickovic
Formal Techniques, Modelling and Analysis of Timed and Fault-Tolerant …, 2004
Controller synthesis for timed automata
E Asarin, O Maler, A Pnueli, J Sifakis
IFAC Proceedings Volumes 31 (18), 447-452, 1998
SpaceEx: Scalable verification of hybrid systems
G Frehse, C Le Guernic, A Donzé, S Cotton, R Ray, O Lebeltel, R Ripado, ...
Computer Aided Verification: 23rd International Conference, CAV 2011 …, 2011
Reachability analysis of pushdown automata: Application to model-checking
A Bouajjani, J Esparza, O Maler
CONCUR'97: Concurrency Theory: 8th International Conference Warsaw, Poland …, 1997
Robust satisfaction of temporal logic over real-valued signals
A Donzé, O Maler
International Conference on Formal Modeling and Analysis of Timed Systems …, 2010
Prom timed to hybrid systems
O Maler, Z Manna, A Pnueli
Real-Time: Theory in Practice: REX Workshop Mook, The Netherlands, June 3–7 …, 1992
Kronos: A model-checking tool for real-time systems
M Bozga, C Daws, O Maler, A Olivero, S Tripakis, S Yovine
Computer Aided Verification: 10th International Conference, CAV'98 Vancouver …, 1998
Approximate reachability analysis of piecewise-linear dynamical systems
E Asarin, O Bournez, T Dang, O Maler
International workshop on hybrid systems: Computation and control, 20-31, 2000
Scheduling with timed automata
Y Abdeddaı, E Asarin, O Maler
Theoretical Computer Science 354 (2), 272-300, 2006
Reachability analysis of dynamical systems having piecewise-constant derivatives
E Asarin, O Maler, A Pnueli
Theoretical computer science 138 (1), 35-65, 1995
Timed regular expressions
E Asarin, P Caspi, O Maler
Journal of the ACM 49 (2), 172-206, 2002
Specification-based monitoring of cyber-physical systems: a survey on theory, tools and applications
E Bartocci, J Deshmukh, A Donzé, G Fainekos, O Maler, D Ničković, ...
Lectures on Runtime Verification: Introductory and Advanced Topics, 135-175, 2018
Symbolic model checking with rich assertional languages
Y Kesten, O Maler, M Marcus, A Pnueli, E Shahar
Theoretical Computer Science 256 (1-2), 93-112, 2001
Efficient computation of reachable sets of linear time-invariant systems with inputs
A Girard, C Le Guernic, O Maler
Hybrid Systems: Computation and Control: 9th International Workshop, HSCC …, 2006
Effective synthesis of switching controllers for linear systems
E Asarin, O Bournez, T Dang, O Maler, A Pnueli
Proceedings of the IEEE 88 (7), 1011-1025, 2000
The d/dt tool for verification of hybrid systems
E Asarin, T Dang, O Maler
Computer Aided Verification: 14th International Conference, CAV 2002 …, 2002
Efficient robust monitoring for STL
A Donzé, T Ferrere, O Maler
Computer Aided Verification: 25th International Conference, CAV 2013, Saint …, 2013
Reachability analysis via face lifting
T Dang, O Maler
International Workshop on Hybrid Systems: Computation and Control, 96-109, 1998
Systematic simulation using sensitivity analysis
A Donzé, O Maler
International Workshop on Hybrid Systems: Computation and Control, 174-189, 2007
Parametric identification of temporal properties
E Asarin, A Donzé, O Maler, D Nickovic
Runtime Verification: Second International Conference, RV 2011, San …, 2012
Il sistema al momento non può eseguire l'operazione. Riprova più tardi.
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