Nghia Nguyen Trong
Nghia Nguyen Trong
Nextwaves Industries
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Cited by
A frequency-and polarization-reconfigurable stub-loaded microstrip patch antenna
N Nguyen-Trong, L Hall, C Fumeaux
IEEE transactions on antennas and propagation 63 (11), 5235-5240, 2015
A frequency-and pattern-reconfigurable center-shorted microstrip antenna
N Nguyen-Trong, L Hall, C Fumeaux
IEEE Antennas and Wireless Propagation Letters 15, 1955-1958, 2016
A frequency-and pattern-reconfigurable two-element array antenna
SNM Zainarry, N Nguyen-Trong, C Fumeaux
IEEE Antennas and Wireless Propagation Letters 17 (4), 617-620, 2018
Integrated frequency-reconfigurable slot antenna and connected slot antenna array for 4G and 5G mobile handsets
M Ikram, E Al Abbas, N Nguyen-Trong, KH Sayidmarie, A Abbosh
IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation 67 (12), 7225-7233, 2019
Multiband MIMO microwave and millimeter antenna system employing dual-function tapered slot structure
M Ikram, N Nguyen-Trong, A Abbosh
IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation 67 (8), 5705-5710, 2019
Compact unidirectional conformal antenna based on flexible high-permittivity custom-made substrate for wearable wideband electromagnetic head imaging system
ASM Alqadami, N Nguyen-Trong, B Mohammed, AE Stancombe, ...
IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation 68 (1), 183-194, 2019
A frequency-reconfigurable dual-band low-profile monopolar antenna
N Nguyen-Trong, A Piotrowski, C Fumeaux
IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation 65 (7), 3336-3343, 2017
Performance enhancement of MIMO patch antenna using parasitic elements
HH Tran, N Nguyen-Trong
IEEE Access 9, 30011-30016, 2021
Analysis and design of a reconfigurable antenna based on half-mode substrate-integrated cavity
N Nguyen-Trong, T Kaufmann, L Hall, C Fumeaux
IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation 63 (8), 3345-3353, 2015
A wideband dual-cavity-backed circularly polarized crossed dipole antenna
TK Nguyen, HH Tran, N Nguyen-Trong
IEEE Antennas and Wireless Propagation Letters 16, 3135-3138, 2017
Low-profile wideband monopolar UHF antennas for integration onto vehicles and helmets
N Nguyen-Trong, A Piotrowski, T Kaufmann, C Fumeaux
IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation 64 (6), 2562-2568, 2016
A frequency-and polarization-reconfigurable circular cavity antenna
N Nguyen-Trong, A Piotrowski, L Hall, C Fumeaux
IEEE Antennas and Wireless Propagation Letters 16, 999-1002, 2016
Equivalent circuit design method for wideband nonmagnetic absorbers at low microwave frequencies
MI Hossain, N Nguyen-Trong, KH Sayidmarie, AM Abbosh
IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation 68 (12), 8215-8220, 2020
Simple design procedure of a broadband circularly polarized slot monopole antenna assisted by characteristic mode analysis
HH Tran, N Nguyen-Trong, AM Abbosh
IEEE access 6, 78386-78393, 2018
Tuning range and efficiency optimization of a frequency-reconfigurable patch antenna
N Nguyen-Trong, C Fumeaux
IEEE Antennas and Wireless Propagation Letters 17 (1), 150-154, 2017
A wideband omnidirectional horizontally polarized traveling-wave antenna based on half-mode substrate integrated waveguide
N Nguyen-Trong, T Kaufmann, C Fumeaux
IEEE Antennas and Wireless Propagation Letters 12, 682-685, 2013
Wideband and multipolarization reconfigurable crossed bowtie dipole antenna
HH Tran, N Nguyen-Trong, TT Le, HC Park
IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation 65 (12), 6968-6975, 2017
Common-aperture sub-6 GHz and millimeter-wave 5G antenna system
M Ikram, N Nguyen-Trong, AM Abbosh
IEEE Access 8, 199415-199423, 2020
Half-mode substrate-integrated waveguides and their applications for antenna technology: A review of the possibilities for antenna design
N Nguyen-Trong, C Fumeaux
IEEE Antennas and Propagation Magazine 60 (6), 20-31, 2018
Reliability-aware optimization of a wideband antenna
A Kouassi, N Nguyen-Trong, T Kaufmann, S Lalléchère, P Bonnet, ...
IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation 64 (2), 450-460, 2015
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Articles 1–20