Helen C. Miles
Cited by
Cited by
A review of virtual environments for training in ball sports
HC Miles, SR Pop, SJ Watt, GP Lawrence, NW John
Computers & Graphics, 2012
Storyboarding for visual analytics
R Walker, L Ap Cenydd, S Pop, HC Miles, CJ Hughes, WJ Teahan, ...
Information Visualization 14 (1), 27-50, 2015
Alternative representations of 3D-reconstructed heritage data
HC Miles, AT Wilson, F Labrosse, B Tiddeman, S Griffiths, B Edwards, ...
Journal on Computing and Cultural Heritage (JOCCH) 9 (1), 1-18, 2015
Investigation of a virtual environment for rugby skills training
HC Miles, SR Pop, SJ Watt, GP Lawrence, NW John, V Perrot, P Mallet, ...
2013 International Conference on Cyberworlds, 56-63, 2013
Picture This! Community-Led production of alternative views of the heritage of gwynedd
R Karl, J Roberts, A Wilson, K Möller, HC Miles, B Edwards, B Tiddeman, ...
Journal of Community Archaeology & Heritage 1 (1), 23-36, 2014
Efficacy of a virtual environment for training ball passing skills in rugby
HC Miles, SR Pop, SJ Watt, GP Lawrence, NW John, V Perrot, P Mallet, ...
Transactions on Computational Science XXIII: Special Issue on Cyberworlds …, 2014
Crowd-sourcing archaeological research: HeritageTogether digital public archaeology in practice
S Griffiths, B Edwards, A Wilson, F Labrosse, H Miles, J Roberts, ...
Internet Archaeology 40, 2015
Small works, big stories. Methodological approaches to photogrammetry through crowd sourcing experiences
S Griffiths, B Edwards, A Wilson, R Karl, F Labrosse, E La Trobe-Bateman, ...
Internet Archaeology 40, 2015
Seeing through the “science eyes” of the ExoMars Rover
HC Miles, MD Gunn, AJ Coates
IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications 40 (2), 71-81, 2020
A community-built virtual heritage collection
HC Miles, AT Wilson, F Labrosse, B Tiddeman, JC Roberts
Transactions on Computational Science XXVI: Special Issue on Cyberworlds and …, 2016
Crowd-Sourced Digitisation of Cultural Heritage Assets
HC Miles, AT Wilson, F Labrosse, B Tiddeman, S Griffiths, B Edwards, ...
Proc. Cyberworlds (CW), 2014
Community-driven generation of 3D and augmented web content for archaeology
PD Ritsos, AT Wilson, HC Miles, LF Williams, B Tiddeman, F Labrosse, ...
Proceedings of the Eurographics Workshop on Graphics and Cultural Heritage …, 2014
epSpread-Storyboarding for visual analytics
L Cenydd, R Walker, S Pop, HC Miles, C Hughes, W Teahan, JC Roberts
Visual Analytics Science and Technology (VAST), 2011 IEEE Conference on, 311-312, 2011
Historical records, archives and photogrammetry
AT Wilson, HC Miles, F Labrosse, B Tiddeman, JC Roberts
The Historic Environment: Policy & Practice 7 (1), 25-42, 2016
A Virtual Environment for Rugby Skills Training
HC Miles, N Musembi, SR Pop, NW John
Joint VR Conference of euroVR and EGVE, 64, 2011
A Wide Area Multiview Static Crowd Estimation System Using UAV and 3D Training Simulator
S Shukla, B Tiddeman, HC Miles
Remote Sensing 13 (14), 2780, 2021
A Web Community for Digitising Cultural Heritage Assets
HC Miles, AT Wilson, F Labrosse, JC Roberts, B Tiddeman
Computer Graphics & Visual Computing (CGVC), 95-96, 2014
PanCam operations toolkit: PCOT
J Finnis, H Miles, M Gunn, A Ladegaard
AUPE: An Emulator for the ExoMars PanCam Instrument
A Ladegaard, M Gunn, H Miles, L Tyler
Computer Graphics and Visual Computing (CGVC), 2023
Immersive analytics and deep maps–The next big thing for cultural heritage & archaeology
J Roberts, J Mearman, P Ritsos, H Miles, A Wilson, D Perkins, J Jackson, ...
IEEE Conference on Visualization: Visualization for Digital Humanities Workshop, 2016
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Articles 1–20