Edward A. Evans
Edward A. Evans
Associate Professor of Food and Resource Economics, University of Florida
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Cited by
An Overview of Global Papaya Production, Trade, and Consumption: FE913/FE913, 9/2012
EA Evans, FH Ballen
EDIS 2012 (9), 2012
Economic dimensions of invasive species
EA Evans
Choices 18 (2), 5-9, 2003
Potential economic impact of laurel wilt disease on the Florida avocado industry
EA Evans, J Crane, A Hodges, JL Osborne
HortTechnology 20 (1), 234-238, 2010
Mango production, global trade, consumption trends, and postharvest processing and nutrition
EA Evans, FH Ballen, M Siddiq
Handbook of mango fruit: production, postharvest science, processing …, 2017
Toward fungicidal management of laurel wilt of avocado
RC Ploetz, JM Pérez-Martínez, EA Evans, SA Inch
Plant Disease 95 (8), 977-982, 2011
Recovery Plan for Laurel Wilt of Avocado, Caused by Raffaelea lauricola
RC Ploetz, MA Hughes, PE Kendra, SW Fraedrich, D Carrillo, LL Stelinski, ...
Plant Health Progress 18 (2), 51-77, 2016
Banana production, global trade, consumption trends, postharvest handling, and processing
EA Evans, FH Ballen, M Siddiq
Handbook of banana production, postharvest science, processing technology …, 2020
The future of global banana production
RC Ploetz, EA Evans
Horticultural Reviews: Volume 43, 311-352, 2015
Recent Trends in World and US Mango Production, Trade, and Consumption: FE718/FE718, 8/2008
EA Evans
EDIS 2008 (6), 2008
Marginal Analysis: An Economic Procedure for Selecting Alternative Technologies/Practices: FE565/FE565, 6/2005
EA Evans
EDIS 2005 (7), 2005
Value added agriculture: is it right for me
E Evans
Obtenido de EDIS document FE638, Florida Cooperative Extension Service …, 2012
An overview of US blueberry production, trade, and consumption, with special reference to Florida
EA Evans, FH Ballen
University of Florida, IFAS, Extension, FE952. Available online: http://edis …, 2014
Banana Market: FE901/FE901, 2/2012
E Evans, F Ballen
EDIS 2012 (3), 2012
Sample Avocado Production Costs and Profitability Analysis for Florida: FE837/FE837, 6/2010
EA Evans, S Nalampang
EDIS 2010 (4), 2010
Análisis marginal: Un procedimiento económico para seleccionar tecnologías o prácticas alternativas
EA Evans
Recuperado de http://edis. ifas. ufl. edu/fe573# FO OTNOTE_2, 1-4, 2005
World mango trade and the economics of mango production.
EA Evans, OJ Mendoza
The mango: botany, production and uses, 606-627, 2009
Assessing the profitability of avocado production in south Florida in the presence of laurel wilt
M Mosquera, EA Evans, R Ploetz
Theoretical Economics Letters 5 (2), 343-356, 2015
US-Canadian tomato wars: An economist tries to make sense out of recent antidumping suits
JJ VanSickle, EA Evans, RD Emerson
Journal of Agricultural and Applied Economics 35 (2), 283-296, 2003
Agri-dogs: using canines for earlier detection of laurel wilt disease affecting avocado trees in South Florida
J Mendel, C Burns, B Kallifatidis, E Evans, J Crane, KG Furton, DE Mills
HortTechnology 28 (2), 109-116, 2018
Una mirada a la producción, el comercio y el consumo de papaya a nivel mundial
EA Evans, FH Ballen
Food and Res. Econ. Dep. University of Florida. http://edis. ifas. ufl. edu, 2012
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