Aris Goulas
Aris Goulas
Scientist, Hovione
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Cited by
Atmospheric pressure atomic layer deposition for tight ceramic nanofiltration membranes: Synthesis and application in water purification
R Shang, A Goulas, CY Tang, X de Frias Serra, LC Rietveld, SGJ Heijman
Journal of Membrane Science 528, 163-170, 2017
Atomic layer deposition of platinum clusters on titania nanoparticles at atmospheric pressure
A Goulas, JR Van Ommen
Journal of Materials Chemistry A 1 (15), 4647-4650, 2013
Continuous production of nanostructured particles using spatial atomic layer deposition
JR Van Ommen, D Kooijman, M Niet, M Talebi, A Goulas
Journal of Vacuum Science & Technology A 33 (2), 2015
Atomic layer deposition on particulate materials
JR Van Ommen, A Goulas
Materials Today Chemistry 14, 100183, 2019
Advances in scalable gas-phase manufacturing and processing of nanostructured solids: A review
S Salameh, J Gomez-Hernandez, A Goulas, H Van Bui, JR Van Ommen
Particuology 30, 15-39, 2017
Scalable production of nanostructured particles using atomic layer deposition
A Goulas, JR van Ommen
Kona Powder and Particle Journal 31, 234-246, 2014
Improved thermal energy storage of nanoencapsulated phase change materials by atomic layer deposition
N Navarrete, D La Zara, A Goulas, D Valdesueiro, L Hernández, ...
Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells 206, 110322, 2020
Improving heat transfer of stabilised thermal oil-based tin nanofluids using biosurfactant and molecular layer deposition
J Gil-Font, MA Hatte, MR Bailey, N Navarrete, J Ventura-Espinosa, ...
Applied Thermal Engineering 178, 115559, 2020
Atomic layer deposition
JR van Ommen, A Goulas, RL Puurunen
Kirk‐Othmer Encyclopedia of Chemical Technology, 1-42, 2021
CCS potential in Norway–Exploring the role of flagship projects: The Mongstad and Kĺrstř case studies
F Karimi, A Goulas, MM Barzmehri, MA Putri
International Journal of Sustainable Water and Environmental Systems 4 (1 …, 2012
A combined experimental and multiscale modeling approach for the investigation of lab-scale fluidized bed reactors
R Uglietti, D Micale, D La Zara, A Goulas, L Nardi, M Bracconi, ...
Reaction Chemistry & Engineering 8 (8), 2029-2039, 2023
Synthesis of highly-uniform titania overcoats on a mesoporous alumina catalyst support by atomic layer deposition and their application in hydroprocessing
JA Moulijn, JR van Ommen, A Goulas, D Valdesueiro, J Juan-Alcańiz, ...
Catalysis Science & Technology 13 (12), 3537-3544, 2023
Numerical Modeling of the Mechanical Reliability of Multicoated Nanoencapsulated Phase‐Change Materials with Improved Thermal Performance
J Forner-Escrig, N Navarrete, R Palma, D La Zara, A Goulas, ...
Solar RRL 6 (4), 2100724, 2022
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Articles 1–13