Kenneth K Poon
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Cited by
To what extent do joint attention, imitation, and object play behaviors in infancy predict later communication and intellectual functioning in ASD?
KK Poon, LR Watson, GT Baranek, MD Poe
Journal of autism and developmental disorders 42 (6), 1064-1074, 2012
Phonological awareness in multilingual Chinese children
SJR Liow, KKL Poon
Applied Psycholinguistics 19 (3), 339-362, 1998
Updating and working memory training: Immediate improvement, long-term maintenance, and generalisability to non-trained tasks
SY Ang, K Lee, F Cheam, K Poon, J Koh
Journal of Applied Research in Memory and Cognition 4 (2), 121-128, 2015
Anxiety symptoms in young people with autism spectrum disorder attending special schools: Associations with gender, adaptive functioning and autism symptomatology
I Magiati, C Ong, XY Lim, JWL Tan, AYL Ong, F Patrycia, DSS Fung, ...
Autism 20 (3), 306-320, 2016
Parental perspectives and challenges in inclusive education in Singapore
ME Wong, KK Poon, S Kaur, ZJ Ng
Asia Pacific journal of education 35 (1), 85-97, 2015
Neuropsychological characteristics of school-age children with high-functioning autism: Performance on the NEPSY
SR Hooper, KK Poon, L Marcus, C Fine
Child Neuropsychology 12 (4-5), 299-305, 2006
Adults with autism spectrum disorders: a review of outcomes, social attainment, and interventions
KK Poon, DJK Sidhu
Current opinion in psychiatry 30 (2), 77-84, 2017
The activities and participation of adolescents with autism spectrum disorders in Singapore: findings from an ICF‐based instrument
KK Poon
Journal of Intellectual Disability Research 55 (8), 790-800, 2011
Special education in Singapore: History, trends, and future directions
K Poon, S Musti-Rao, M Wettasinghe
Intervention in School and Clinic 49 (1), 59-64, 2013
What is school like? Perspectives of Singaporean youth with high-functioning autism spectrum disorders
KK Poon, S Soon, ME Wong, S Kaur, J Khaw, Z Ng, CS Tan
International Journal of Inclusive Education, 2014
Parental perspectives on the importance and likelihood of adult outcomes for children with autism spectrum disorders, intellectual disabilities or multiple disabilities
KK Poon, L Koh, I Magiati
Research in Autism Spectrum Disorders 7 (2), 382-390, 2013
Inclusive education in Asia: Insights from some country case studies
R Faragher, M Chen, L Miranda, K Poon, Rumiati, FR Chang, H Chen
Journal of Policy and Practice in Intellectual Disabilities 18 (1), 23-35, 2021
Factors associated with staff perceptions towards inclusive education in Singapore
KK Poon, Z Ng, ME Wong, S Kaur
Teachers’ Perceptions, Experience and Learning, 83-96, 2019
Do non-referred young people with Autism Spectrum Disorders and their caregivers agree when reporting anxiety symptoms? A preliminary investigation using the Spence Children's …
I Magiati, JY Chan, WLJ Tan, KK Poon
Research in Autism Spectrum Disorders 8 (5), 546-558, 2014
Challenging behaviors among children with autism spectrum disorders and multiple disabilities attending special schools in Singapore
KK Poon
Research in Developmental Disabilities 33 (2), 578-582, 2012
The perception of social situations by children with autism spectrum disorders
YH Nah, KK Poon
Autism 15 (2), 185-203, 2011
Reconciling individual differences with collective needs: The juxtaposition of sociopolitical and neuroscience perspectives on remediation and compensation of student skill …
JB Hale, SHA Chen, SC Tan, K Poon, KR Fitzer, LA Boyd
Trends in Neuroscience and Education 5 (2), 41-51, 2016
Parental expectations regarding postschool social attainments of adolescents with autism spectrum disorders in Singapore
KK Poon
American Journal on Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities 118 (2), 95-107, 2013
The student profile, service delivery model, and support practices of four early childhood intervention environments in Singapore
KK Poon, X Yang
Asia Pacific Journal of Education 36 (3), 437-449, 2016
Academy of Medicine Singapore-Ministry of Health Clinical Practice Guidelines: Autism Spectrum Disorders in Pre-School Children.
ASDPC Academy of Medicine, Singapore-Ministry of Health
Singapore Medical Journal 51 (3), 255-265, 2010
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Articles 1–20