Carol Haigh
Carol Haigh
Professor of Nursing
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Tell me a story—a conceptual exploration of storytelling in healthcare education
C Haigh, P Hardy
Nurse education today 31 (4), 408-411, 2011
YouTube as a source of clinical skills education
I Duncan, L Yarwood-Ross, C Haigh
Nurse education today 33 (12), 1576-1580, 2013
Valuing of altruism and honesty in nursing students: a two‐decade replication study
M Johnson, C Haigh, N Yates‐Bolton
Journal of advanced nursing 57 (4), 366-374, 2007
Wikipedia as an evidence source for nursing and healthcare students
CA Haigh
Nurse education today 31 (2), 135-139, 2011
Assessment of dyspnea in asthma: validation of the Dyspnea-12
J Yorke, AM Russell, J Swigris, C Shuldham, C Haigh, N Rochnia, J Hoyle, ...
Journal of Asthma 48 (6), 602-608, 2011
Using chaos theory: the implications for nursing
C Haigh
Journal of Advanced Nursing 37 (5), 462-469, 2002
The who and where of clinical skills teaching: A review from the UK perspective
AM Borneuf, C Haigh
Nurse education today 30 (2), 197-201, 2010
Futures planning, parental expectations and sibling concern for people who have a learning disability
D Davys, D Mitchell, C Haigh
Journal of Intellectual Disabilities 14 (3), 167-183, 2010
Distress protocol for qualitative data collection
C Haigh, G Witham
Archives of Psychiatric Nursing 23 (5), 343-350, 2013
Attitudes and values of nurse educators: an international survey
C Haigh, M Johnson
International journal of nursing education scholarship 4 (1), 2007
Older parents of people who have a learning disability: perceptions of future accommodation needs
D Davys, C Haigh
British Journal of Learning Disabilities 36 (1), 66-72, 2008
Learning safe patient handling skills: Student nurse experiences of university and practice based education
R Kneafsey, C Haigh
Nurse education today 27 (8), 832-839, 2007
Adult siblings consider the future: Emergent themes
D Davys, D Mitchell, C Haigh
Journal of Applied Research in Intellectual Disabilities 29 (3), 220-230, 2016
Pain from the inside: understanding the theoretical underpinning of person-centered care delivered by pain teams
M Howarth, T Warne, C Haigh
Pain management nursing 15 (1), 340-348, 2014
The myth of patient centrality in integrated care: the case of back pain services
ML Howarth, C Haigh
International Journal of Integrated Care 7, 2007
Reflections on access: too vulnerable to research?
G Witham, A Beddow, C Haigh
Journal of Research in Nursing 20 (1), 28-37, 2015
Futures planning–Adult sibling perspectives
D Davys, D Mitchell, C Haigh
British Journal of Learning Disabilities 43 (3), 219-226, 2015
First steps toward understanding the variability in acute pain service provision and the quality of pain relief in everyday practice across the United Kingdom
F Duncan, R Day, C Haigh, S Gill, J Nightingale, O O'Neill, D Counsell
Pain medicine 15 (1), 142-153, 2014
Reconstructing nursing altruism using a biological evolutionary framework
CA Haigh
Journal of advanced nursing 66 (6), 1401-1408, 2010
Exploring the research culture of nurses and allied health professionals (AHP s) in a research‐focused and a non‐research‐focused healthcare organisation in the UK
M Luckson, F Duncan, A Rajai, C Haigh
Journal of Clinical Nursing 27 (7-8), e1462-e1476, 2018
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Articles 1–20