Steven Liang
Cited by
Cited by
National institutional systems, foreign ownership and firm performance: The case of understudied countries
M Carney, S Estrin, Z Liang, D Shapiro
Journal of World Business 54 (4), 244-257, 2019
State capitalism, economic systems and the performance of state owned firms
S Estrin, Z Liang, D Shapiro, M Carney
Acta Oeconomica 69 (s1), 175-193, 2019
Business group persistence and institutional maturity: the role of management practices
L Zhixiang, C Michael
Industrial and Corporate Change, 2020
Business groups and export performance: the role of coordination failures and institutional configurations
D Shapiro, S Estrin, M Carney, S Liang
Journal of Management Studies, 2023
Are Latin American business groups different? An exploratory international political economy perspective
M Carney, S Estrin, Z Liang, D Shapiro
Multinational Business Review 30 (4), 546-572, 2022
Initiating internationalization: business group affiliation, export intensity and institutional quality
DM Shapiro, Z Liang, S Estrin, M Carney
6th Copenhagen Conference on “Emergıng Multınatıonals”: Outward Investment …, 2018
Why business groups (think Samsung or Tata Group) have an export advantage in emerging markets
D Shapiro, S Estrin, M Carney, Z Liang
LSEBusiness Review, 2023
Family Business Groups in Advanced Asian Economies and the Politics of Institutional Trust
M Carney, Z Liang
The Palgrave Handbook of Managing Family Business Groups, 241-265, 2022
Owner Identity, National Institutional Systems and Outward FDI Location: The Case of Chinese MNEs
Z Liang, Y Zhao, M Carney
Academy of Management Proceedings 2022 (1), 11238, 2022
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Articles 1–9