Andrea Macchi
Andrea Macchi
CNR/INO, University of Pisa
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Ion acceleration by superintense laser-plasma interaction
A Macchi, M Borghesi, M Passoni
Reviews of Modern Physics 85 (2), 751-793, 2013
Laser acceleration of ion bunches at the front surface of overdense plasmas
A Macchi, F Cattani, TV Liseykina, F Cornolti
Physical review letters 94 (16), 165003, 2005
“Light sail” acceleration reexamined
A Macchi, S Veghini, F Pegoraro
Physical review letters 103 (8), 085003, 2009
Dynamics of electric fields driving the laser acceleration of multi-MeV protons
L Romagnani, J Fuchs, M Borghesi, P Antici, P Audebert, F Ceccherini, ...
Physical review letters 95 (19), 195001, 2005
Ion acceleration in multispecies targets driven by intense laser radiation pressure
S Kar, KF Kakolee, B Qiao, A Macchi, M Cerchez, D Doria, M Geissler, ...
Physical Review Letters 109 (18), 185006, 2012
Radiation reaction effects on radiation pressure acceleration
M Tamburini, F Pegoraro, A Di Piazza, CH Keitel, A Macchi
New Journal of Physics 12 (12), 123005, 2010
Radiation pressure acceleration of ultrathin foils
A Macchi, S Veghini, TV Liseykina, F Pegoraro
New Journal of Physics 12 (4), 045013, 2010
A Superintense Laser-Plasma Interaction Theory Primer
A Macchi
Springer, 2013
A Superintense Laser-Plasma Interaction Theory Primer
A Macchi
Springer, 2013
Guided post-acceleration of laser-driven ions by a miniature modular structure
S Kar, H Ahmed, R Prasad, M Cerchez, S Brauckmann, B Aurand, ...
Nature communications 7 (1), 10792, 2016
Laser-driven ultrafast field propagation on solid surfaces
K Quinn, PA Wilson, CA Cecchetti, B Ramakrishna, L Romagnani, G Sarri, ...
Physical review letters 102 (19), 194801, 2009
Fluid and kinetic simulation of inertial confinement fusion plasmas
S Atzeni, A Schiavi, F Califano, F Cattani, F Cornolti, D Del Sarto, ...
Computer physics communications 169 (1-3), 153-159, 2005
Laser ion acceleration using a solid target coupled with a low-density layer
A Sgattoni, P Londrillo, A Macchi, M Passoni
Physical Review E—Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics 85 (3 …, 2012
Evidence of resonant surface-wave excitation in the relativistic regime through measurements of proton acceleration from grating targets
T Ceccotti, V Floquet, A Sgattoni, A Bigongiari, O Klimo, M Raynaud, ...
Physical review letters 111 (18), 185001, 2013
Plasma jets driven by ultraintense-laser interaction with thin foils
S Kar, M Borghesi, SV Bulanov, MH Key, TV Liseykina, A Macchi, ...
Physical review letters 100 (22), 225004, 2008
Radiation pressure acceleration by ultraintense laser pulses
TV Liseykina, M Borghesi, A Macchi, S Tuveri
Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion 50 (12), 124033, 2008
Features of ion acceleration by circularly polarized laser pulses
TV Liseikina, A Macchi
Applied physics letters 91 (17), 2007
Laser-driven proton acceleration: source optimization and radiographic applications
M Borghesi, A Bigongiari, S Kar, A Macchi, L Romagnani, P Audebert, ...
Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion 50 (12), 124040, 2008
Dynamics of Self-Generated, Large Amplitude Magnetic Fields Following<? format?> High-Intensity Laser Matter Interaction
G Sarri, A Macchi, CA Cecchetti, S Kar, TV Liseykina, XH Yang, ...
Physical review letters 109 (20), 205002, 2012
Surface oscillations in overdense plasmas irradiated by ultrashort laser pulses
A Macchi, F Cornolti, F Pegoraro, TV Liseikina, H Ruhl, VA Vshivkov
Physical review letters 87 (20), 205004, 2001
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