Manuel Vinagre Ruiz
Manuel Vinagre Ruiz
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Cited by
Event-based control for sit-to-stand transition using a wearable exoskeleton
V Rajasekaran, M Vinagre, J Aranda
2017 International Conference on Rehabilitation Robotics (ICORR), 400-405, 2017
An interactive robotic system for human assistance in domestic environments
M Vinagre, J Aranda, A Casals
Computers Helping People with Special Needs: 14th International Conference …, 2014
A new relational geometric feature for human action recognition
M Vinagre, J Aranda, A Casals
Informatics in Control, Automation and Robotics: 10th International …, 2015
Retaining or excising the supraspinatus tendon in complex proximal humeral fractures treated with reverse prosthesis: a biomechanical analysis in two different designs
J Miquel, F Santana, E Palau, M Vinagre, K Langohr, A Casals, C Torrens
Archives of orthopaedic and trauma surgery 138, 1533-1539, 2018
Friendly human-machine interaction in an adapted robotized kitchen
J Aranda, M Vinagre, EX Martín, M Casamitjana, A Casals
International Conference on Computers for Handicapped Persons, 312-319, 2010
Suitable task allocation in intelligent systems for assistive environments
M Vinagre, J Aranda, A Casals
Robot 2019: Fourth Iberian Robotics Conference: Advances in Robotics, Volume …, 2020
Anticipating human activities from object interaction cues
J Aranda, M Vinagre
2016 25th IEEE International Symposium on Robot and Human Interactive …, 2016
Human Motion Recognition from 3D Pose Information-Trisarea: A New Pose-based Feature
M Vinagre, J Aranda, A Casals
International Conference on Informatics in Control, Automation and Robotics …, 2013
Robot Operating System (ROS)
R Suárez Feijóo, J Rosell Gratacòs, M Vinagre, F Cortes, A Ansuategui, ...
Automation Review, 2022
Hand Pose Estimation from Depth Data with Convolutional Neural Networks
M Vinagre
National Distance Education University, 2017
Preservar o resecar el tendón supraespinoso en el tratamiento con prótesis invertida de las fracturas de húmero proximal complejas. Estudio biomecánico en diseños distintos
JM Noguera, F Santana, E Palau, M Vinagre, A Casals, C Torrens
2º Congreso IBERO-LATINOAMERICANO 1 (1), 205, 2017
Robotics as a support tool for experimental optimisation of surgical strategies in orthopaedic surgery
M Frigola, M Vinagre, A Casals, J Amat, F Santana, C Torrens
Applied Bionics and Biomechanics 7 (3), 231-239, 2010
Sistema de monitorización de suturas para optimizar intervenciones de artroplastia del húmero
M Vinagre, LE Rodríguez, M Frigola, A Casals, J Amat
XXVII Congreso anual de la sociedad Española de Ingeniería Biomédica 1 (1), 279, 2009
Funcional aids at home. Possibilities of an adapted kitchen
A Casals, M Vinagre, EX Martín, M Casamitjana
III International Congress on Domotics, Robotics and Remote Assistance for …, 2009
Integració d'un nou eix a una màquina isocinètica per a la rehabilitació
M Vinagre, A Casals
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Articles 1–15