Kyle J. Holody
Cited by
Cited by
Race in media coverage of school shootings: A parallel application of framing theory and attribute agenda setting
SY Park, KJ Holody, X Zhang
Journalism & Mass Communication Quarterly 89 (3), 475-494, 2012
Objectification in popular music lyrics: An examination of gender and genre differences
MA Flynn, CM Craig, CN Anderson, KJ Holody
Sex roles 75, 164-176, 2016
“Drunk in love”: The portrayal of risk behavior in music lyrics
KJ Holody, C Anderson, C Craig, M Flynn
Journal of Health Communication 21 (10), 1098-1106, 2016
Content, exposure, and effects of public discourses about marijuana: A systematic review
SY Park, KJ Holody
Journal of health communication 23 (12), 1036-1043, 2018
Attributes and frames of the Aurora shootings: national and local news coverage differences
KJ Holody, ES Daniel
Journalism practice 11 (1), 80-100, 2017
An examination of conflict style preferences in India
SM Croucher, KJ Holody, MV Hicks, D Oommen, A DeMaris
International Journal of Conflict Management 22 (1), 10-34, 2011
Name dropping and product mentions: Branding in popular music lyrics
C Craig, MA Flynn, KJ Holody
Journal of promotion management 23 (2), 258-276, 2017
Racialization of the Virginia Tech shootings: A comparison of local and national newspapers
KJ Holody, SY Park, X Zhang
Journalism Studies 14 (4), 568-583, 2013
The effects of self-construal and religiousness on argumentativeness: A cross-cultural analysis
SM Croucher, D Oommen, MV Hicks, KJ Holody, S Anarbaeva, K Yoon, ...
Communication Studies 61 (2), 135-155, 2010
# NEVERAGAIN: framing in community and national news coverage of the Parkland mass shootings
KJ Holody, B Shaughnessy
Journalism practice 16 (4), 637-659, 2022
Selective moderation, selective responding, and balkanization of the blogosphere: A field experiment
GW Yun, SY Park, K Holody, KS Yoon, S Xie
Media Psychology 16 (3), 295-317, 2013
Inside the blogosphere: a taxonomy and framing analysis of abortion weblogs
SY Park, GW Yun, K Holody, KS Yoon, S Xie, S Lee
The Social Science Journal 50 (4), 616-624, 2013
Framing death: The use of frames in newspaper coverage of and press releases about death with dignity
KJ Holody
Virginia Tech, 2006
Attributes in community and national news coverage of the Parkland mass shootings
KJ Holody
Media, journalism and disaster communities, 179-200, 2020
An exploratory evaluation of the feasibility, acceptability, and efficacy of the mental fitness disordered eating program in schools
CN Anderson, KJ Holody, MA Flynn, R Hussa-Farrell
Eating Disorders 25 (3), 230-245, 2017
Interpersonal attraction and religious identification: A comparative analysis of Muslims and Hindus in India
SM Croucher, M Austin, L Fang, KJ Holody
Asian Journal of Communication 21 (6), 564-574, 2011
Constructing the end: Framing and agenda-setting of physician-assisted suicide
KJ Holody
Bowling Green State University, 2011
Stimulating dialogue: Measuring success of the “Smoke Free Horry” campaign
C Anderson, KJ Holody
International Quarterly of Community Health Education 34 (4), 331-349, 2014
Religion and the relationship between verbal aggressiveness and argumentativeness
SM Croucher, K Holody, S Anarbaeva, R Braziunaite, V Garcia-Michael, ...
Atlantic Journal of Communication 20 (2), 116-129, 2012
Asian/Americans, education, and crime: The model minority as victim and perpetrator
A Cho, H Gee, KJ Holody, K Li, A Lu, G Mendez, KT Nguyen, SY Park, ...
Lexington Books, 2016
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Articles 1–20