Therese Graversen
Therese Graversen
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Analysis of forensic DNA mixtures with artefacts
RG Cowell, T Graversen, SL Lauritzen, J Mortera
Journal of the Royal Statistical Society Series C: Applied Statistics 64 (1 …, 2015
Computational aspects of DNA mixture analysis: Exact inference using auxiliary variables in a Bayesian network
T Graversen, S Lauritzen
Statistics and Computing 25, 527-541, 2015
Computing educational activities involving people rather than things appeal more to women (cs1 appeal perspective)
MH Marcher, IM Christensen, P Grabarczyk, T Graversen, C Brabrand
Proceedings of the 17th ACM Conference on international computing education …, 2021
Computing educational activities involving people rather than things appeal more to women (recruitment perspective)
IM Christensen, MH Marcher, P Grabarczyk, T Graversen, C Brabrand
Proceedings of the 17th ACM conference on international computing education …, 2021
DNAmixtures: statistical inference for mixed traces of DNA
T Graversen
R package version 0.1-0, dnamixtures. r-forge. r-project. org, 2013
The Yara Gambirasio case: Combining evidence in a complex DNA mixture case
T Graversen, J Mortera, G Lago
Forensic Science International: Genetics 40, 52-63, 2019
Predicting bearings degradation stages for predictive maintenance in the pharmaceutical industry
D Juodelyte, V Cheplygina, T Graversen, P Bonnet
Proceedings of the 28th acm sigkdd conference on knowledge discovery and …, 2022
Statistical and Computational Methodology for the Analysis of Forensic DNA Mixtures with Artefacts
T Graversen
University of Oxford, 2014
Estimation of parameters in DNA mixture analysis
T Graversen, S Lauritzen
Journal of Applied Statistics 40 (11), 2423-2436, 2013
DNAmixtures: statistical inference for mixed traces of DNA. R package version 0.1-4
T Graversen
Case analysis using the DNAmixtures package
T Graversen
Analysis of DNA Mixtures with Artifacts
T Graversen
via Ampčre 2, Politecnico di Milano, Aula Rogers, Milan, Italy http://www2 …, 2013
Discussion on the paper by Neumann, Evett and Skerrett
CGG Aitken, DJ Balding, B Silverman, M Risinger, SA Cole, DA Stoney, ...
Journal of the Royal Statistical Society. Series A (Statistics in Society …, 2012
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Articles 1–13