Faisal Zeeshan
Cited by
Cited by
Metallic Contact between MoS2 and Ni via Au Nanoglue
X Shi, S Posysaev, M Huttula, V Pankratov, J Hoszowska, JC Dousse, ...
Small 14 (22), 1704526, 2018
Theoretical and experimental determination of -shell decay rates, line widths, and fluorescence yields in Ge
M Guerra, JM Sampaio, TI Madeira, F Parente, P Indelicato, JP Marques, ...
Physical Review A 92 (2), 022507, 2015
Distribution of aluminum over different T-sites in ferrierite zeolites studied with aluminum valence to core X-ray emission spectroscopy
R Bohinc, J Hoszowska, JC Dousse, W Błachucki, F Zeeshan, Y Kayser, ...
Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 19 (43), 29271-29277, 2017
In-house setup for laboratory-based x-ray absorption fine structure spectroscopy measurements
F Zeeshan, J Hoszowska, L Loperetti-Tornay, JC Dousse
Review of Scientific Instruments 90 (7), 2019
DL Gonz alez, S. van Dijken, M. Alatalo, W. Cao
X Shi, S Posysaev, M Huttula, V Pankratov, J Hoszowska, JC Dousse, ...
Small 14, 1, 2018
Diagram, valence‐to‐core, and hypersatellite Kβ X‐ray transitions in metallic chromium
F Zeeshan, J Hoszowska, JC Dousse, D Sokaras, TC Weng, ...
X‐Ray Spectrometry 48 (5), 351-359, 2019
Effects of Water Absorption on Mercury Contamination in Fiberbank Sediments using X-ray Fluorescence Spectrometer
S An, F Zeeshan, B Norlin, G Thungström
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 690 (1), 012031, 2021
In situ high energy resolution off-resonant spectroscopy applied to a time-resolved study of single site Ta catalyst during oxidation
W Błachucki, J Szlachetko, Y Kayser, JC Dousse, J Hoszowska, ...
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section B: Beam …, 2017
Visualisation of sulphur on single fibre level for pulping industry
B Norlin, S An, T Granfeldt, D Krapohl, B Lai, H Rahman, F Zeeshan, ...
Journal of Instrumentation 18 (01), C01012, 2023
Development of improved CTMP with even sulphonate distribution at fibre level using XRF analysis
H Rahman, P Engstrand, ES PerssonAn, B Norlin, F Zeeshan
Advances in Pulp and Paper Research 1, 3-11, 2022
Study of heavy metals including mercury within Fiber Banks of Västernorrland and Norrbotten counties by portable X-RayFluorescence (pXRF) spectrometry
F Zeeshan, S An, B Norlin, D Krapohl, H Rahman
ISDRS 2021: The 27th International Sustainable Development Research Society …, 2021
Cross section ratios of double-to-single K-shell ionization induced by electron impact in metallic Sc, Cr and Cu targets
F Zeeshan, JC Dousse, J Hoszowska
Journal of Electron Spectroscopy and Related Phenomena 233, 11-21, 2019
Quantification of Bonded Ni Atoms for Ni-MoS2 Metallic Contact through X-ray Photoemission Electron Microscopy
X Shi, M Huttula, V Pankratov, J Hoszowska, JC Dousse, F Zeeshan, ...
Microscopy and Microanalysis 24 (S2), 458-459, 2018
On-Site X-ray Fluorescence Spectrometry Measurement Strategy for Assessing the Sulfonation to Improve Chemimechanical Pulping Processes
H Rahman, S An, B Norlin, E Persson, P Engstrand, F Zeeshan, ...
ACS omega 7 (51), 48555-48563, 2022
Development of improved CTMP with even sulphonate distribution at fibre level using XRF analysis: Discussion contributions
H Rahman, P Engstrand, E Persson, A Siwen, B Norlin, F Zeeshan, ...
17th Fundamental Research Symposium (Advance in pulp and paper Research) FRS …, 2022
Synchrotron measurements of Sulphonation degree from Chemimechanical pulp (CTMP) to optimize the pulping process for packaging products
F Zeeshan, B Norlin, H Rahman, T Huthwelker, D Krapohl, S An, ...
International Mechanical Pulp Conference (IMPC), Vancouver, Canada, June …, 2022
Improve the competitive advantages of pulp fiber-based products over fossil-based materials
H Rahman, P Engstrand, S An, B Norlin, E Persson, F Zeeshan
27th International Sustainable Development Research Society Conference …, 2021
Diagram, valence-to-core, and hypersatellite K𝛽 X-ray transitions in metallic chromium
F Zeeshan, J Hoszowska, JC Dousse, D Sokaras, TC Weng, ...
Metallic contact between MoS₂ and Ni via Au nanoglue
X Shi, S Posysaev, M Huttula, V Pankratov, J Hoszowska, JC Dousse, ...
John Wiley & Sons, 2018
Metal‐Semiconductor Contacts: Metallic Contact between MoS2 and Ni via Au Nanoglue (Small 22/2018)
X Shi, S Posysaev, M Huttula, V Pankratov, J Hoszowska, JC Dousse, ...
Small 14 (22), 1870100, 2018
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Articles 1–20