Noemi Mendes Fernandes
Noemi Mendes Fernandes
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A multigene timescale and diversification dynamics of Ciliophora evolution
NM Fernandes, CG Schrago
Molecular phylogenetics and evolution 139, 106521, 2019
Expanded phylogenetic analyses of the class Heterotrichea (Ciliophora, Postciliodesmatophora) using five molecular markers and morphological data
NM Fernandes, T da Silva Paiva, ID da Silva-Neto, M Schlegel, ...
Molecular phylogenetics and evolution 95, 229-246, 2016
Occurrence of Trichodina heterodentata (Ciliophora: Trichodinidae) infesting tadpoles of Rhinella pombali (Anura: Bufonidae) in the Neotropical area
RJP Dias, NM Fernandes, B Sartini, ID da Silva-Neto, M D'Agosto
Parasitology International 58 (4), 471-474, 2009
Molecular phylogeny and comparative morphology indicate that odontostomatids (Alveolata, Ciliophora) form a distinct class-level taxon related to Armophorea
NM Fernandes, VF Vizzoni, BN Borges, CAG Soares, ID da Silva-Neto, ...
Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 126, 382-389, 2018
Morphology and 18S rDNA gene sequence of Spirostomum minus and Spirostomum teres (Ciliophora: Heterotrichea) from Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
NM Fernandes, ID Silva Neto
Zoologia (Curitiba) 30, 72-79, 2013
Quantitative study of Trichodina heterodentata (Ciliophora: Mobilia) infrapopulations infesting tadpoles of a Brazilian endemic toad Rhinella pombali (Anura: Bufonidae)
NM Fernandes, B Sartini, RJP Dias, M D'Agosto
Zoologia (Curitiba) 28, 777-783, 2011
Description and Phylogeny of Urostyla grandis wiackowskii subsp. nov. (Ciliophora, Hypotricha) from an Estuarine Mangrove in Brazil
TS Paiva, C Shao, NM Fernandes, BN Borges, ID da Silva‐Neto
Journal of Eukaryotic Microbiology 63 (2), 247-261, 2016
Morphology and 18S rDNA gene sequence of Blepharisma sinuosum Sawaya, 1940 (Ciliophora: Heterotrichea) from Brazil
NM Fernandes, RJP Dias, MVX Senra, CAG Soares, ID da Silva Neto
European journal of protistology 49 (4), 623-633, 2013
Parablepharisma (Ciliophora) is not a heterotrich: a phylogenetic and morphological study with the proposal of new taxa
PH Campello-Nunes, NM Fernandes, F Szokoli, SI Fokin, V Serra, ...
Protist 171 (2), 125716, 2020
Ciliate Diversity From Aquatic Environments in the Brazilian Atlantic Forest as Revealed by High-Throughput DNA Sequencing (vol 89, pg 531, 2020)
NM Fernandes, PH Campello-Nunes, TS Paiva, CAG Soares, ...
MICROBIAL ECOLOGY 81 (3), 644-644, 2021
Redescription and Phylogenetic Position of Condylostoma arenarium Spiegel, 1926 (Ciliophora, Heterotrichea) from Guanabara Bay, Brazil
NM Fernandes, RJP Dias, CG Schrago, ID Silva‐Neto
Journal of Eukaryotic Microbiology 62 (6), 722-732, 2015
Morphological and phylogenetic investigations shed light on evolutionary relationships of the enigmatic genus Copemetopus (Ciliophora, Alveolata), with the proposal of …
PH Campello-Nunes, ID Silva-Neto, MHO Sales, CAG Soares, TS Paiva, ...
European Journal of Protistology 83, 125878, 2022
Morphology and Phylogenetic Position of Gruberia lanceolata (Gruber 1884) (Ciliophora, Heterotrichea) from Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
PH Campello‐Nunes, NM Fernandes, F Szokoli, G Petroni, ...
Journal of Eukaryotic Microbiology 65 (6), 902-912, 2018
Ontogeny and Molecular Phylogeny of Apoamphisiella vernalis Reveal Unclear Separation between Genera Apoamphisiella and Paraurostyla (Protozoa …
LAM de Castro, GC Küppers, NM Fernandes, M Schlegel, TS Paiva
PLoS One 11 (5), e0155825, 2016
Morphology and Phylogenetic Position of an Unusual Stentor polymorphus (Ciliophora: Heterotrichea) Without Symbiotic Algae
NM Fernandes, ID da Silva Neto, CG Schrago
Journal of Eukaryotic Microbiology 61 (3), 305-312, 2014
Description and phylogenetic position of Corlissina maricaensis gen. nov., sp. nov. (Karyorelictea, Geleiidae), a novel interstitial ciliate from Brazil, with redefinition …
PH Campello-Nunes, N Fernandes, M Schlegel, ID Silva-Neto
International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology 65 (Pt_12 …, 2015
Resting Cysts of the Pigmented Ciliate Blepharisma sinuosum Sawaya, 1940 (Ciliophora: Heterotrichea)
J Cavaleiro, NM Fernandes, ID da Silva‐Neto, CAG Soares
Journal of Eukaryotic Microbiology 65 (3), 422-426, 2018
Macronuclear plasticity in two South American populations of Spirostomum (Ciliophora, Heterotrichea) warns about its use for species classification: revision and new insights
PH Campello-Nunes, LD Fernández, TS Paiva, CAG Soares, ...
Protist 172 (2), 125803, 2021
Distinguishing Activities in the Photodynamic Arsenals of the Pigmented Ciliates Blepharisma sinuosum Sawaya, 1940 and Blepharisma japonicum Suzuki, 1954 …
J Cavaleiro, NB Oliveira, TA Ribeiro, LF Guimaraes, NM Fernandes, ...
Photochemistry and Photobiology 96 (6), 1251-1266, 2020
Protist taxonomic and functional diversity in aquatic ecosystems of the Brazilian Atlantic Forest
VC da Silva, N Fernandes
PeerJ 11, e15762, 2023
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