Non-gaussian merton-black-scholes theory SI Boyarchenko World scientific, 2002 | 600 | 2002 |
Option pricing for truncated Lévy processes SI Boyarchenko, SZ Levendorskiǐ International journal of theoretical and applied finance 3 (03), 549-552, 2000 | 355 | 2000 |
Perpetual American options under Lévy processes SI Boyarchenko, SZ Levendorskii SIAM Journal on Control and Optimization 40 (6), 1663-1696, 2002 | 256 | 2002 |
Algebras of functions on compact quantum groups, Schubert cells and quantum tori S Levendorskii, Y Soibelman Communications in Mathematical Physics 139 (1), 141-170, 1991 | 221 | 1991 |
Pricing of the American put under Lévy processes SZ Levendorskiǐ International Journal of Theoretical and Applied Finance 7 (03), 303-335, 2004 | 196 | 2004 |
Feller processes of normal inverse Gaussian type OE Barndorff-Nielsen, SZ Levendorskii Quantitative Finance 1 (3), 318, 2001 | 196 | 2001 |
Barrier options and touch-and-out options under regular Lévy processes of exponential type S Boyarchenko, S Levendorskiĭ The Annals of Applied Probability 12 (4), 1261-1298, 2002 | 192 | 2002 |
Fast and accurate pricing of barrier options under Lévy processes O Kudryavtsev, S Levendorskiǐ Finance and Stochastics 13 (4), 531-562, 2009 | 144 | 2009 |
Irreversible decisions under uncertainty: optimal stopping made easy S Boyarchenko, S Levendorskii Springer Science & Business Media, 2007 | 128 | 2007 |
On the structure of spectra of periodic elliptic operators P Kuchment, S Levendorskiî Transactions of the American Mathematical Society 354 (2), 537-569, 2002 | 82 | 2002 |
American options in regime-switching models S Boyarchenko, S Levendorskii SIAM Journal on Control and Optimization 48 (3), 1353-1376, 2009 | 80 | 2009 |
American options: the EPV pricing model S Boyarchenko, S Levendorskii Annals of Finance 1, 267-292, 2005 | 78 | 2005 |
Quantum Weyl group and universal S Levendorskii, Y Soibelman, V Stukopin Lett. Math. Phys. 27, 253-264, 1993 | 74 | 1993 |
Prices and sensitivities of barrier and first-touch digital options in Lévy-driven models M Boyarchenko, S Levendorskiĭ International Journal of Theoretical and Applied Finance 12 (08), 1125-1170, 2009 | 73 | 2009 |
Generalizations of the Black-Scholes equation for truncated Lévy processes SI Boyarchenko, SZ Levendorskii Working paperBoyarchenkoGeneralizations of the Black-Scholes equation for …, 1999 | 72 | 1999 |
Degenerate elliptic equations S Levendorskii Springer Science & Business Media, 2013 | 69 | 2013 |
The eigenfunction expansion method in multi‐factor quadratic term structure models N Boyarchenko, S Levendorskiǐ Mathematical finance 17 (4), 503-539, 2007 | 66 | 2007 |
Valuation of continuously monitored double barrier options and related securities M Boyarchenko, S Levendorskiĭ Mathematical Finance: An International Journal of Mathematics, Statistics …, 2012 | 62 | 2012 |
On generators and defining relations of Yangians SZ Levendorskiǐ Journal of Geometry and Physics 12 (1), 1-11, 1993 | 61 | 1993 |
Asymptotic distribution of eigenvalues of differential operators S Levendorskiĭ (No Title), 1990 | 61 | 1990 |