Electromagnetic mixing formulas and applications AH Sihvola Iet, 1999 | 2517 | 1999 |
Electromagnetic waves in chiral and bi-isotropic media I Lindell, A Sihvola, S Tretyakov, AJ Viitanen Artech House, 1994 | 2008 | 1994 |
Electromagnetics of bi-anisotropic materials: Theory and applications A Serdyukov, I Semchenko, S Tretyakov, A Sihvola Gordon and Breach science publishers, 2001 | 727 | 2001 |
Metamaterials in electromagnetics A Sihvola Metamaterials 1 (1), 2-11, 2007 | 712 | 2007 |
Effective permittivity of dielectric mixtures AH Sihvola, JA Kong IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing 26 (4), 420-429, 1988 | 699 | 1988 |
The complex dielectric constant of snow at microwave frequencies M Tiuri, A Sihvola, EG Nyfors, M Hallikaiken IEEE Journal of oceanic Engineering 9 (5), 377-382, 1984 | 607 | 1984 |
Mixing rules with complex dielectric coefficients A Sihvola Subsurface sensing technologies and applications 1 (4), 393-415, 2000 | 577 | 2000 |
Waves and energy in chiral nihility S Tretyakov, I Nefedov, A Sihvola, S Maslovski, C Simovski Journal of electromagnetic waves and applications 17 (5), 695-706, 2003 | 502 | 2003 |
Effective permittivity of mixtures: numerical validation by the FDTD method KK Karkkainen, AH Sihvola, KI Nikoskinen ieee transactions on geoscience and remote sensing 38 (3), 1303-1308, 2002 | 422 | 2002 |
Perfect electromagnetic conductor IV Lindell, AH Sihvola Journal of Electromagnetic Waves and Applications 19 (7), 861-869, 2005 | 361 | 2005 |
Self-consistency aspects of dielectric mixing theories AH Shivola IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing 27 (4), 403-415, 1989 | 315 | 1989 |
Metamaterials and plasmonics: fundamentals, modelling, applications S Zouhdi, A Sihvola, AP Vinogradov Springer Science & Business Media, 2008 | 294 | 2008 |
Thermal microwave radiation: applications for remote sensing C Mätzler Iet, 2006 | 288 | 2006 |
Backward-wave regime and negative refraction in chiral composites S Tretyakov, A Sihvola, L Jylhä Photonics and Nanostructures-Fundamentals and Applications 3 (2-3), 107-115, 2005 | 248 | 2005 |
BI‐isotropic constitutive relations AH Sihvola, IV Lindell Microwave and Optical Technology Letters 4 (8), 295-297, 1991 | 245 | 1991 |
Analysis of a three-dimensional dielectric mixture with finite difference method K Karkkainen, A Sihvola, K Nikoskinen IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing 39 (5), 1013-1018, 2001 | 232 | 2001 |
Snow fork for field determination of the density and wetness profiles of a snow pack A Sihvola, M Tiuri IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, 717-721, 1986 | 221 | 1986 |
Light scattering by a dielectric sphere: perspectives on the Mie resonances D Tzarouchis, A Sihvola Applied Sciences 8 (2), 184, 2018 | 220 | 2018 |
Realization of the PEMC boundary IV Lindell, AH Sihvola IEEE Transactions on antennas and propagation 53 (9), 3012-3018, 2005 | 201 | 2005 |
Advances in electromagnetics of complex media and metamaterials S Zouhdi, A Sihvola, M Arsalane Springer Science & Business Media, 2012 | 187 | 2012 |