Shuming Gao(高曙明)
Shuming Gao(高曙明)
在 cad.zju.edu.cn 的电子邮件经过验证 - 首页
Automatic recognition of interacting machining features based on minimal condition subgraph
S Gao, JJ Shah
Computer-Aided Design 30 (9), 727-739, 1998
A robust hole-filling algorithm for triangular mesh
W Zhao, S Gao, H Lin
The Visual Computer 23, 987-997, 2007
Design reuse oriented partial retrieval of CAD models
J Bai, S Gao, W Tang, Y Liu, S Guo
Computer-Aided Design 42 (12), 1069-1084, 2010
A flexible assembly retrieval approach for model reuse
X Chen, S Gao, S Guo, J Bai
Computer-Aided Design 44 (6), 554-574, 2012
Multi-level assembly model for top-down design of mechanical products
X Chen, S Gao, Y Yang, S Zhang
Computer-Aided Design 44 (10), 1033-1048, 2012
Feature suppression based CAD mesh model simplification
S Gao, W Zhao, H Lin, F Yang, X Chen
Computer-Aided Design 42 (12), 1178-1188, 2010
Biomass-derived nitrogen self-doped carbon dots via a simple one-pot method: Physicochemical, structural, and luminescence properties
Y Liu, C Zhu, Y Gao, L Yang, J Xu, X Zhang, C Lu, Y Wang, Y Zhu
Applied Surface Science 510, 145437, 2020
Characterization and pelletization of cotton stalk hydrochar from HTC and combustion kinetics of hydrochar pellets by TGA
G Zhu, L Yang, Y Gao, J Xu, H Chen, Y Zhu, Y Wang, C Liao, C Lu, C Zhu
Fuel 244, 479-491, 2019
Real-time collaborative design with heterogeneous CAD systems based on neutral modeling commands
M Li, S Gao, CCL Wang
Characterization of dairy manure hydrochar and aqueous phase products generated by hydrothermal carbonization at different temperatures
K Wu, Y Gao, G Zhu, J Zhu, Q Yuan, Y Chen, M Cai, L Feng
Journal of Analytical and Applied Pyrolysis 127, 335-342, 2017
A deep learning approach to the classification of 3D CAD models
F Qin, L Li, S Gao, X Yang, X Chen
Journal of Zhejiang University SCIENCE C 15 (2), 91-106, 2014
A survey on partial retrieval of 3D shapes
ZB Liu, SH Bu, K Zhou, SM Gao, JW Han, J Wu
Journal of Computer Science and Technology 28 (5), 836-851, 2013
Simultaneous detection of intracellular tumor mRNA with bicolor imaging based on a gold nanoparticle/molecular beacon
G Qiao, Y Gao, N Li, Z Yu, L Zhuo, B Tang
Chemistry–A European Journal 17 (40), 11210-11215, 2011
MIVAS: a multi-modal immersive virtual assembly system
H Wan, S Gao, Q Peng, G Dai, F Zhang
International Design Engineering Technical Conferences and Computers and …, 2004
CAD mesh model segmentation by clustering
D Xiao, H Lin, C Xian, S Gao
Computers & Graphics 35 (3), 685-691, 2011
An approach to solid modeling in a semi-immersive virtual environment
S Gao, H Wan, Q Peng
Computers & Graphics 24 (2), 191-202, 2000
A tumor mRNA-dependent gold nanoparticle–molecular beacon carrier for controlled drug release and intracellular imaging
G Qiao, L Zhuo, Y Gao, L Yu, N Li, B Tang
Chemical Communications 47 (26), 7458-7460, 2011
Realistic virtual hand modeling with applications for virtual grasping
H Wan, Y Luo, S Gao, Q Peng
Proceedings of the 2004 ACM SIGGRAPH international conference on Virtual …, 2004
An ontology-based semantic retrieval approach for heterogeneous 3D CAD models
F Qin, S Gao, X Yang, M Li, J Bai
Advanced Engineering Informatics 30 (4), 751-768, 2016
Microwave-assisted hydrothermal carbonization of dairy manure: Chemical and structural properties of the products
Y Gao, Y Liu, G Zhu, J Xu, Q Yuan, Y Zhu, J Sarma, Y Wang, J Wang, L Ji
Energy 165, 662-672, 2018
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