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Physical review letters 102 (14), 145002, 2009
377 2009 Density-transition based electron injector for laser driven wakefield accelerators K Schmid, A Buck, CMS Sears, JM Mikhailova, R Tautz, D Herrmann, ...
Physical Review Special Topics—Accelerators and Beams 13 (9), 091301, 2010
361 2010 Ion acceleration in multispecies targets driven by intense laser radiation pressure S Kar, KF Kakolee, B Qiao, A Macchi, M Cerchez, D Doria, M Geissler, ...
Physical Review Letters 109 (18), 185006, 2012
353 2012 Design considerations for table-top, laser-based VUV and X-ray free electron lasers F Grüner, S Becker, U Schramm, T Eichner, M Fuchs, R Weingartner, ...
Applied Physics B 86, 431-435, 2007
334 2007 Shock-front injector for high-quality laser-plasma acceleration A Buck, J Wenz, J Xu, K Khrennikov, K Schmid, M Heigoldt, JM Mikhailova, ...
Physical review letters 110 (18), 185006, 2013
319 2013 Generation of Stable, Low-Divergence Electron Beams by Laser-Wakefield Acceleration<? format?> in a Steady-State-Flow Gas Cell J Osterhoff, A Popp, Z Major, B Marx, TP Rowlands-Rees, M Fuchs, ...
Physical Review Letters 101 (8), 085002, 2008
307 2008 Light propagation in field-ionizing media: extreme nonlinear optics M Geissler, G Tempea, A Scrinzi, M Schnürer, F Krausz, T Brabec
Physical review letters 83 (15), 2930, 1999
295 1999 Analytical model for ion acceleration by high-intensity laser pulses J Schreiber, F Bell, F Grüner, U Schramm, M Geissler, M Schnürer, ...
Physical review letters 97 (4), 045005, 2006
279 2006 Ionization above the coulomb barrier A Scrinzi, M Geissler, T Brabec
Physical review letters 83 (4), 706, 1999
218 1999 Diffraction-limited performance and focusing of high harmonics from relativistic plasmas B Dromey, D Adams, R Hörlein, Y Nomura, SG Rykovanov, DC Carroll, ...
Nature Physics 5 (2), 146-152, 2009
215 2009 Microscopic analysis of large-cluster explosion in intense laser fields C Jungreuthmayer, M Geissler, J Zanghellini, T Brabec
Physical review letters 92 (13), 133401, 2004
193 2004 Generation of quasimonoenergetic electron bunches with 80-fs laser pulses B Hidding, KU Amthor, B Liesfeld, H Schwoerer, S Karsch, M Geissler, ...
Physical Review Letters 96 (10), 105004, 2006
191 2006 Radiation-Pressure Acceleration of Ion Beams from Nanofoil Targets:<? format?> The Leaky Light-Sail Regime B Qiao, M Zepf, M Borghesi, B Dromey, M Geissler, A Karmakar, P Gibbon
Physical review letters 105 (15), 155002, 2010
155 2010 Dominance of Radiation Pressure in Ion Acceleration with Linearly Polarized Pulses <?format ?>at Intensities of B Qiao, S Kar, M Geissler, P Gibbon, M Zepf, M Borghesi
Physical review letters 108 (11), 115002, 2012
138 2012 Few-cycle laser-driven electron acceleration K Schmid, L Veisz, F Tavella, S Benavides, R Tautz, D Herrmann, A Buck, ...
Physical Review Letters 102 (12), 124801, 2009
135 2009 Phase-matched high-order harmonic generation in the nonadiabatic limit M Geissler, G Tempea, T Brabec
Physical Review A 62 (3), 033817, 2000
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