Deniz Özkundakci
Deniz Özkundakci
Associate Professor, The University of Waikato
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Cited by
Nitrogen and phosphorus limitation of phytoplankton growth in New Zealand lakes: implications for eutrophication control
JM Abell, D Özkundakci, DP Hamilton
Ecosystems 13, 966-977, 2010
Sustainability assessment and comparison of efficacy of four P-inactivation agents for managing internal phosphorus loads in lakes: sediment incubations
MM Gibbs, CW Hickey, D Özkundakci
Hydrobiologia 658, 253-275, 2011
Evaluating early-warning indicators of critical transitions in natural aquatic ecosystems
AS Gsell, U Scharfenberger, D Özkundakci, A Walters, LA Hansson, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 113 (50), E8089-E8095, 2016
A multi-lake comparative analysis of the General Lake Model (GLM): Stress-testing across a global observatory network
LC Bruce, MA Frassl, GB Arhonditsis, G Gal, DP Hamilton, PC Hanson, ...
Environmental Modelling & Software 102, 274-291, 2018
Exploring, exploiting and evolving diversity of aquatic ecosystem models: a community perspective
ABG Janssen, GB Arhonditsis, A Beusen, K Bolding, L Bruce, ...
Aquatic ecology 49, 513-548, 2015
Effects of a modified zeolite on P and N processes and fluxes across the lake sediment–water interface using core incubations
M Gibbs, D Özkundakci
Hydrobiologia 661, 21-35, 2011
Plastic debris in lakes and reservoirs
V Nava, S Chandra, J Aherne, MB Alfonso, AM Antão-Geraldes, ...
Nature 619 (7969), 317-322, 2023
Relationships between land use and nitrogen and phosphorus in New Zealand lakes
JM Abell, D Özkundakci, DP Hamilton, SD Miller
Marine and Freshwater Research 62 (2), 162-175, 2011
Latitudinal variation in nutrient stoichiometry and chlorophyll-nutrient relationships in lakes: a global study
JM Abell, D Özkundakci, DP Hamilton, JR Jones
Fundam. Appl. Limnol 181, 1-14, 2012
Winter severity determines functional trait composition of phytoplankton in seasonally ice‐covered lakes
D Özkundakci, AS Gsell, T Hintze, H Täuscher, R Adrian
Global change biology 22 (1), 284-298, 2016
Effect of intensive catchment and in-lake restoration procedures on phosphorus concentrations in a eutrophic lake
D Özkundakci, DP Hamilton, P Scholes
Ecological Engineering 36 (4), 396-405, 2010
A framework for ensemble modelling of climate change impacts on lakes worldwide: the ISIMIP Lake Sector
M Golub, W Thiery, R Marcé, D Pierson, I Vanderkelen, D Mercado, ...
Geoscientific Model Development Discussions 2022, 1-57, 2022
Restoring shallow lakes impaired by eutrophication: Approaches, outcomes, and challenges
JM Abell, D Özkundakci, DP Hamilton, P Reeves
Critical Reviews in Environmental Science and Technology 52 (7), 1199-1246, 2022
Hypolimnetic phosphorus and nitrogen dynamics in a small, eutrophic lake with a seasonally anoxic hypolimnion
D Özkundakci, DP Hamilton, MM Gibbs
Hydrobiologia 661, 5-20, 2011
Modelling the response of a highly eutrophic lake to reductions in external and internal nutrient loading
D Özkundakci, DP Hamilton, D Trolle
New Zealand Journal of Marine and Freshwater Research 45 (2), 165-185, 2011
Effects of water temperature on summer periphyton biomass in shallow lakes: a pan-European mesocosm experiment
A Mahdy, S Hilt, N Filiz, M Beklioğlu, J Hejzlar, D Özkundakci, ...
Aquatic Sciences, 1-12, 2015
Quantifying the extent of anthropogenic eutrophication of lakes at a national scale in New Zealand
JM Abell, D Ozkundakci, DP Hamilton, P van Dam-Bates, RW Mcdowell
Environmental Science & Technology 53 (16), 9439-9452, 2019
Quantifying change in pelagic plankton network stability and topology based on empirical long-term data
AS Gsell, D Özkundakci, MP Hébert, R Adrian
Ecological Indicators 65, 76-88, 2016
Patterns of CO2 concentration and inorganic carbon limitation of phytoplankton biomass in agriculturally eutrophic lakes
HE Zagarese, MÁG Sagrario, D Wolf-Gladrow, P Nõges, T Nõges, ...
Water Research 190, 116715, 2021
To sea or not to sea? Multiple lines of evidence reveal the contribution of non‐diadromous recruitment for supporting endemic fish populations within New Zealand's longest river
BO David, M Jarvis, D Özkundakci, KJ Collier, AS Hicks, M Reid
Aquatic Conservation: Marine and Freshwater Ecosystems 29 (9), 1409-1423, 2019
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Articles 1–20