Ingvar Holmér
Ingvar Holmér
Professor Emeritus
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Deriving the operational procedure for the Universal Thermal Climate Index (UTCI)
P Bröde, D Fiala, K Błażejczyk, I Holmér, G Jendritzky, B Kampmann, ...
International journal of biometeorology 56, 481-494, 2012
Workplace heat stress, health and productivity–an increasing challenge for low and middle-income countries during climate change
T Kjellstrom, I Holmer, B Lemke
Global health action 2 (1), 2047, 2009
Personal factors in thermal comfort assessment: clothing properties and metabolic heat production
G Havenith, I Holmér, K Parsons
Energy and buildings 34 (6), 581-591, 2002
Effects of heat stress on working populations when facing climate change
K Lundgren, K Kuklane, C Gao, I Holmer
Industrial health 51 (1), 3-15, 2013
The UTCI-clothing model
G Havenith, D Fiala, K Błazejczyk, M Richards, P Bröde, I Holmér, ...
International journal of biometeorology 56, 461-470, 2012
Oxygen uptake during swimming in man.
I Holmer
Journal of applied physiology 33 (4), 502-509, 1972
Physiology of swimming man
I Holmér
Gymnastik-och idrottshögskolan, 1974
Development and validation of the predicted heat strain model
J Malchaire, A Piette, B Kampmann, P Mehnert, HJ Gebhardt, G Havenith, ...
Annals of Occupational Hygiene 45 (2), 123-135, 2001
Thermal manikin history and applications
I Holmér
European journal of applied physiology 92 (6), 614-618, 2004
Principles of the new Universal Thermal Climate Index (UTCI) and its application to bioclimatic research in European scale
K Błażejczyk, P Broede, D Fiala, G Havenith, I Holmér, G Jendritzky, ...
Miscellanea Geographica 14 (1), 91-102, 2010
Energy exchanges of swimming man.
ER Nadel, I Holmer, U Bergh, PO Astrand, JA Stolwijk
Journal of Applied Physiology 36 (4), 465-471, 1974
Protective clothing in hot environments
I Holmer
Industrial health 44 (3), 404-413, 2006
Classification of metabolic and respiratory demands in fire fighting activity with extreme workloads
I Holmer, D Gavhed
Applied ergonomics 38 (1), 45-52, 2007
Personal cooling with phase change materials to improve thermal comfort from a heat wave perspective
C Gao, K Kuklane, F Wang, I Holmér
Indoor air 22 (6), 523-530, 2012
Metabolic and thermal response to swimming in water at varying temperatures.
I Holmér, U Bergh
Journal of Applied Physiology 37 (5), 702-705, 1974
Cooling vests with phase change materials: the effects of melting temperature on heat strain alleviation in an extremely hot environment
C Gao, K Kuklane, I Holmér
European journal of applied physiology 111, 1207-1216, 2011
Apparent latent heat of evaporation from clothing: attenuation and “heat pipe” effects
G Havenith, MG Richards, X Wang, P Brode, V Candas, E den Hartog, ...
Journal of Applied Physiology 104 (1), 142-149, 2008
Maximum oxygen uptake during swimming and running by elite swimmers.
I Holmer, A Lundin, BO Eriksson
Journal of Applied Physiology 36 (6), 711-714, 1974
Clothing convective heat exchange—proposal for improved prediction in standards and models
I Holmér, H Nilsson, G Havenith, K Parsons
Annals of Occupational Hygiene 43 (5), 329-337, 1999
A study on local cooling of garments with ventilation fans and openings placed at different torso sites
M Zhao, C Gao, F Wang, K Kuklane, I Holmér, J Li
International Journal of Industrial Ergonomics 43 (3), 232-237, 2013
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Articles 1–20