Jonathan Godfrey
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Cited by
Endoscopy of the gastroduodenal mucosa after carprofen, meloxicam and ketoprofen administration in dogs
SF Forsyth, WG Guilford, SJ Haslett, J Godfrey
Journal of Small Animal Practice 39 (9), 421-424, 1998
Natural Variation in Volatile Emissions of the Invasive Weed Calluna vulgaris in New Zealand
E Effah, DP Barrett, PG Peterson, AJR Godfrey, MA Potter, JK Holopainen, ...
Plants 9 (2), 283, 2020
The dynamics of granular flow from a silo with two symmetric openings
LA Fullard, ECP Breard, CE Davies, AJR Godfrey, M Fukuoka, A Wade, ...
Proceedings of the Royal Society A 475 (2221), 20180462, 2019
An accessible interaction model for data visualisation in statistics
AJR Godfrey, P Murrell, V Sorge
Computers Helping People with Special Needs: 16th International Conference …, 2018
Comparing temporal sensory product profile data obtained from expert and consumer panels and evaluating the value of a multiple sip TCATA approach
WNRP Maheeka, AJR Godfrey, A Ellis, J Hort
Food Quality and Preference 89, 104141, 2021
Effects of multiple matings on reproductive fitness of male and female Diaeretiella rapae
R Kant, SA Trewick, WRM Sandanayaka, AJR Godfrey, MA Minor
Entomologia Experimentalis et Applicata 145 (3), 215-221, 2012
Advice from blind teachers on how to teach statistics to blind students
AJR Godfrey, MT Loots
Journal of Statistics Education 23 (3), 2015
Elevational variation in adult body size and growth rate but not in metabolic rate in the tree weta Hemideina crassidens
M Bulgarella, SA Trewick, AJR Godfrey, BJ Sinclair, M Morgan-Richards
Journal of insect physiology 75, 30-38, 2015
Statistical Software from a Blind Person's Perspective.
AJR Godfrey
R J. 5 (1), 73, 2013
Metabolic and immunological effects of intermittent fasting on a ketogenic diet containing medium-chain triglycerides in healthy dogs
YB Leung, NJ Cave, A Heiser, PJB Edwards, AJR Godfrey, T Wester
Frontiers in veterinary science 6, 482024, 2020
Testing steady and transient velocity scalings in a silo
LA Fullard, CE Davies, AC Neather, ECP Breard, AJR Godfrey, G Lube
Advanced Powder Technology 29 (2), 310-318, 2018
Profiling the novel plant-based meat alternative category: Consumer affective and sensory response in the context of perceived similarity to meat
C Giezenaar, RE Orr, AJR Godfrey, R Maggs, M Foster, J Hort
Food Research International 188, 114465, 2024
eulerr: Area-Proportional Euler and Venn Diagrams with Ellipses, 2020
J Larsson, JA Godfrey, DH Eberly
R package version 6 (0), 2019
Convergent local adaptation in size and growth rate but not metabolic rate in a pair of parapatric Orthoptera species
NA Minards, SA Trewick, AJR Godfrey, M Morgan-Richards
Biological Journal of the Linnean Society 113 (1), 123-135, 2014
Effect of analgesic strategies on pain behaviour associated with combined ring castration and hot iron tail docking in Merino lambs
NJ Kells, NJ Beausoleil, AJR Godfrey, KE Littlewood, RN Ward, ...
Applied Animal Behaviour Science 222, 104914, 2020
Producing accessible statistics diagrams in R
D Fitzpatrick, AJR Godfrey, V Sorge
Proceedings of the 14th international web for all conference, 1-4, 2017
Statistical software (R, SAS, SPSS, and Minitab) for blind students and practitioners
AJR Godfrey, MT Loots
Journal of Statistical Software 58, 1-25, 2014
Mixing experiments in 3D-printed silos; the role of wall friction and flow correcting inserts
LA Fullard, AJR Godfrey, MF Manaf, CE Davies, A Cliff, M Fukuoka
Advanced Powder Technology 31 (5), 1915-1923, 2020
Emergency department length of stay for Maori and European patients in New Zealand
D Prisk, AJR Godfrey, A Lawrence
Western Journal of Emergency Medicine 17 (4), 438, 2016
Improved resolution of cave weta diversity (Orthoptera: Rhaphidophoridae): ecological implications for Te Paki, Far North, New Zealand
JL Fitness, M Morgan-Richards, OJP Ball, AJR Godfrey, SA Trewick
New Zealand Journal of Zoology 42 (1), 1-16, 2015
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Articles 1–20