Jun-Bo Wang
Jun-Bo Wang
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Supporting IoT with rate-splitting multiple access in satellite and aerial-integrated networks
Z Lin, M Lin, T De Cola, JB Wang, WP Zhu, J Cheng
IEEE Internet of Things Journal 8 (14), 11123-11134, 2021
Joint beamforming and power allocation for satellite-terrestrial integrated networks with non-orthogonal multiple access
Z Lin, M Lin, JB Wang, T De Cola, J Wang
IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Signal Processing 13 (3), 657-670, 2019
Tight bounds on channel capacity for dimmable visible light communications
JB Wang, QS Hu, J Wang, M Chen, JY Wang
Journal of Lightwave Technology 31 (23), 3771-3779, 2013
Performance analysis of multi-antenna hybrid satellite-terrestrial relay networks in the presence of interference
K An, M Lin, T Liang, JB Wang, J Wang, Y Huang, AL Swindlehurst
IEEE Transactions on Communications 63 (11), 4390-4404, 2015
Joint beamforming for secure communication in cognitive satellite terrestrial networks
M Lin, Z Lin, WP Zhu, JB Wang
IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications 36 (5), 1017-1029, 2018
Joint beamforming and trajectory optimization for intelligent reflecting surfaces-assisted UAV communications
L Ge, P Dong, H Zhang, JB Wang, X You
IEEE Access 8, 78702-78712, 2020
Robust secure beamforming for 5G cellular networks coexisting with satellite networks
Z Lin, M Lin, JB Wang, Y Huang, WP Zhu
IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications 36 (4), 932-945, 2018
Joint optimization of transmission and computation resources for satellite and high altitude platform assisted edge computing
C Ding, JB Wang, H Zhang, M Lin, GY Li
IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications 21 (2), 1362-1377, 2021
Physical-layer security for indoor visible light communications: Secrecy capacity analysis
JY Wang, C Liu, JB Wang, Y Wu, M Lin, J Cheng
IEEE Transactions on Communications 66 (12), 6423-6436, 2018
Energy efficient beamforming schemes for satellite-aerial-terrestrial networks
Q Huang, M Lin, JB Wang, TA Tsiftsis, J Wang
IEEE Transactions on Communications 68 (6), 3863-3875, 2020
A machine learning framework for resource allocation assisted by cloud computing
JB Wang, J Wang, Y Wu, JY Wang, H Zhu, M Lin, J Wang
IEEE Network 32 (2), 144-151, 2018
On the performance of LMS communication with hardware impairments and interference
K Guo, M Lin, B Zhang, WP Zhu, JB Wang, TA Tsiftsis
IEEE Transactions on Communications 67 (2), 1490-1505, 2018
Performance analysis of hybrid satellite-terrestrial cooperative networks with relay selection
K Guo, M Lin, B Zhang, JB Wang, Y Wu, WP Zhu, J Cheng
IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology 69 (8), 9053-9067, 2020
Robust secure beamforming for wireless powered cognitive satellite-terrestrial networks
Z Lin, M Lin, WP Zhu, JB Wang, J Cheng
IEEE Transactions on Cognitive Communications and Networking 7 (2), 567-580, 2020
Hovering UAV-based FSO communications: Channel modelling, performance analysis, and parameter optimization
JY Wang, Y Ma, RR Lu, JB Wang, M Lin, J Cheng
IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications 39 (10), 2946-2959, 2021
Outage analysis for relay-aided free-space optical communications over turbulence channels with nonzero boresight pointing errors
JY Wang, JB Wang, M Chen, Y Tang, Y Zhang
IEEE Photonics Journal 6 (4), 1-15, 2014
Joint MIMO precoding and computation resource allocation for dual-function radar and communication systems with mobile edge computing
C Ding, JB Wang, H Zhang, M Lin, GY Li
IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications 40 (7), 2085-2102, 2022
Coverage analysis for millimeter wave cellular networks with imperfect beam alignment
M Cheng, JB Wang, Y Wu, XG Xia, KK Wong, M Lin
IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology 67 (9), 8302-8314, 2018
Highly efficient optical beam steering using an in-fiber diffraction grating for full duplex indoor optical wireless communication
G Wang, U Habib, Z Yan, NJ Gomes, Q Sui, JB Wang, L Zhang, C Wang
Journal of Lightwave Technology 36 (19), 4618-4625, 2018
Integrated 5G-satellite networks: A perspective on physical layer reliability and security
M Lin, Q Huang, T De Cola, JB Wang, J Wang, M Guizani, JY Wang
IEEE Wireless Communications 27 (6), 152-159, 2020
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