Petteri Alahuhta
Petteri Alahuhta
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Smart-its friends: A technique for users to easily establish connections between smart artefacts
LE Holmquist, F Mattern, B Schiele, P Alahuhta, M Beigl5, HW Gellersen
Ubicomp 2001: Ubiquitous Computing: International Conference Atlanta Georgia …, 2001
Perspectives of ambient intelligence in the home environment
M Friedewald, O Da Costa, Y Punie, P Alahuhta, S Heinonen
Telematics and informatics 22 (3), 221-238, 2005
Safeguards in a world of ambient intelligence
P Ahonen, P Alahuhta, B Daskala, S Delaitre, P De Hert, R Lindner, ...
Springer Science+ Business Media BV, 2008
Structuring context aware applications: Five-layer model and example case
H Ailisto, P Alahuhta, V Haataja, V Kyllönen, M Lindholm
Proceedings of the Workshop on Concepts and Models for Ubiquitous Computing …, 2002
Location estimation indoors by means of small computing power devices, accelerometers, magnetic sensors, and map knowledge
E Vildjiounaite, EJ Malm, J Kaartinen, P Alahuhta
Pervasive Computing: First International Conference, Pervasive 2002 Zurich …, 2002
Mobilizing business applications
P Alahuhta, J Ahola, H Hakala
Technology Review 167 (2005), 2005
Suomalainen teollinen internet-haasteesta mahdollisuudeksi: taustoittava kooste
J Juhanko, M Jurvansuu, H Ailisto, P Alahuhta, J Collin, M Halen, ...
ETLA Report, 2015
Unobtrusive dynamic modelling of tv programme preferences in a finnish household
E Vildjiounaite, V Kyllönen, T Hannula, P Alahuhta
Multimedia systems 15, 143-157, 2009
Genie of the net, an agent platform for managing services on behalf of the user
J Riekki, J Huhtinen, P Ala-Siuru, P Alahuhta, J Kaartinen, J Röning
Computer Communications 26 (11), 1188-1198, 2003
Unobtrusive dynamic modelling of TV program preferences in a household
E Vildjiounaite, V Kyllönen, T Hannula, P Alahuhta
Changing Television Environments: 6th European Conference, EUROITV 2008 …, 2008
Roadmap for network technologies and services
P Alahuhta, M Jurvansuu, H Pentikäinen
Tekes, 2004
Dark scenarios in ambient intelligence: Highlighting risks and vulnerabilities
Y Punie, S Delaitre, I Maghiros, D Wright, P Alahuhta, P De Hert, ...
Deliverable D2. Safeguards in a World of Ambient Intelligence (SWAMI), 2006
The illusion of security
D Wright, M Friedewald, W Schreurs, M Verlinden, S Gutwirth, Y Punie, ...
Communications of the ACM 51 (3), 56-63, 2008
Adoption of mobile services in business-case study of mobile CRM
P Alahuhta, H Helaakoski, A Smirnov
IEEE International Conference on e-Business Engineering (ICEBE'05), 531-534, 2005
Genie of the Net: Context Aware Information Management
J Riekki, J Huhtinen, P Ala-Siuru, P Alahuhta, J Kaartinen, J Röning
Genie project report., May, 2000
Mobilising business applications: a survey about the opportunities and challenges of mobile business applications and services in Finland
P Alahuhta, J Ahola, H Hakala
Helsinki: Tekes, 2005
Apricot agent platform for user-friendly mobile service development
P Alahuhta, H Löthman, H Helaakoski, A Koskela, J Röning
Systems Aspects in Organic and Pervasive Computing-ARCS 2005: 18th …, 2005
The brave new world of ambient intelligence: a state-of-the-art review
M Friedewald, E Vildjiounaite, D Wright, I Maghiros, M Verlinden, ...
Deliverable D1 of the SWAMI consortium to the European Commission under …, 2006
Safeguards in a world of ambient intelligence (SWAMI)
M Friedewald, P Alahuhta, I Maghiros, S Gutwirth, D Wright
Fraunhofer ISI, 2006
Ambient intelligence in everyday life: housing
P Alahuhta, S Heinonen
VTT Building and Transport: Espoo, Finland, 2003
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Articles 1–20