Aimee Dinnín Huff
Cited by
Cited by
The Politicization of Objects: Meaning and Materiality in the US Cannabis Market
AD Huff, A Humphreys, SJS Wilner
Journal of Consumer Research,, 2021
Isolation in globalizing academic fields: a collaborative autoethnography of Early Career Researchers
M Belk, M Brouard, KH Brunk, M Dalmoro, MC Ferreira, B Figueiredo, ...
Academy of Management Learning & Education 18 (2), 261-285, 2019
Objects of desire: The role of product design in revising contested cultural meanings
SJS Wilner, AD Huff
Journal of Marketing Management 33 (3-4), 244-271, 2017
The evolving family assemblage: how senior families “do” family
AD Huff, J Cotte
European Journal of Marketing 50 (5/6), 892-915, 2016
Buying the girlfriend experience: An exploration of the consumption experiences of male customers of escorts
AD Huff
Research in Consumer Behavior 13, 111-126, 2011
Like a member of the family: Including and excluding paid caregivers in performances of family
M Barnhart, AD Huff, J Cotte
Journal of Marketing Management 30 (15-16), 1680-1702, 2014
Addressing the wicked problem of American gun violence: consumer interest groups as macro-social marketers
AD Huff, M Barnhart, B McAlexander, J McAlexander
Journal of Macromarketing 37 (4), 393-408, 2017
Preparing for the attack: Mitigating risk through routines in armed self-defense
M Barnhart, AD Huff, B McAlexander, JH McAlexander
Journal of the Association for Consumer Research 3 (1), 27-45, 2018
Complexities of consumption: The case of childcare
AD Huff, J Cotte
Journal of Consumer Affairs 47 (1), 72-97, 2013
The Appeal of Our New Stuff: How Newness Creates Value,
A Dinnin
NA - Advances in Consumer Research 36, 261-265, 2009
A social commons ethos in public policy-making
J Lees-Marshment, AD Huff, N Bendle
Journal of Business Ethics 166 (4), 761-778, 2020
Morality appraisals in consumer responsibilization
M Barnhart, AD Huff, I Scott
Journal of Consumer Research 50 (5), 1008-1030, 2024
Curating a consumption ideology: Platformization and gun influencers on Instagram
J Drenten, L Gurrieri, AD Huff, M Barnhart
Marketing theory 24 (1), 91-122, 2024
UNRAVEL-ing gnarly knots: A path for researching market-entangled wicked social problems
AD Huff, M Barnhart
Journal of Business Research 144, 717-727, 2022
Using the Marketplace to Reconceptualize Motherhood
AD Huff, J Cotte
Advances in Consumer Research 41, 2013
Boycotters who don’t boycott: Attitude-behavior inconsistency in an anti-consumption movement
J Wan, A Huff
ACR North American Advances, 2011
Buying the girlfriend experience: an exploration of men’s experiences with escort workers
A Huff
ACR North American Advances 39, 447-448, 2011
It's Been My Number One Source of Stress: The Decision to Pay for Care
AD Huff, J Cotte
Advances in Consumer Research 38, 729-30, 2010
Negotiating the Legitimacy of an American Icon: Myth and the US Gun Market
M Barnhart, AD Huff
NA–Advances in Consumer Research Volume 46, 2018
The Pot Problem: The Role of Design in Legitimation of New Markets
AD Huff, A Humphreys, SJS Wilner
American Marketing Association Winter Marketing Academic Conference 27, D-10-11, 2016
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Articles 1–20