Suppression of magnetic ordering in XXZ-type antiferromagnetic monolayer NiPS3 K Kim, SY Lim, JU Lee, S Lee, TY Kim, K Park, GS Jeon, CH Park, ... Nature communications 10 (1), 345, 2019 | 418 | 2019 |
Magnetic ordering and spin-liquid state of J Park, JG Park, GS Jeon, HY Choi, C Lee, W Jo, R Bewley, KA McEwen, ... Physical Review B 68 (10), 104426, 2003 | 165 | 2003 |
Correlation effects on 3D topological phases: from bulk to boundary A Go, W Witczak-Krempa, GS Jeon, K Park, YB Kim Physical review letters 109 (6), 066401, 2012 | 152 | 2012 |
XY model in small-world networks BJ Kim, H Hong, P Holme, GS Jeon, P Minnhagen, MY Choi Physical Review E 64 (5), 056135, 2001 | 152 | 2001 |
Flexure modes in carbon nanotubes GD Mahan, GS Jeon Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 70 (7), 075405, 2004 | 148 | 2004 |
Spin Wave Measurements over the Full Brillouin Zone of Multiferroic J Jeong, EA Goremychkin, T Guidi, K Nakajima, GS Jeon, SA Kim, ... Physical review letters 108 (7), 077202, 2012 | 121 | 2012 |
Stress-induced defects in T Thonhauser, GS Jeon, GD Mahan, JO Sofo Physical Review B 68 (20), 205207, 2003 | 105 | 2003 |
Microscopic Verification of Topological Electron-Vortex Binding<? format?> in the Lowest Landau-Level Crystal State CC Chang, GS Jeon, JK Jain Physical review letters 94 (1), 016809, 2005 | 72 | 2005 |
Observation of a multiferroic critical end point JW Kim, SY Haam, YS Oh, S Park, SW Cheong, PA Sharma, M Jaime, ... Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 106 (37), 15573-15576, 2009 | 63 | 2009 |
Fractional statistics in the fractional quantum Hall effect GS Jeon, KL Graham, JK Jain Physical review letters 91 (3), 036801, 2003 | 63 | 2003 |
Dynamical mean-field theory of the Hubbard-Holstein model at half filling: zero temperature metal-insulator and insulator-insulator transitions GS Jeon, TH Park, JH Han, HC Lee, HY Choi Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 70 (12), 125114, 2004 | 62 | 2004 |
Quantum Monte Carlo study of composite fermions in quantum dots: The effect of Landau-level mixing AD Güçlü, GS Jeon, CJ Umrigar, JK Jain Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 72 (20), 205327, 2005 | 60 | 2005 |
Magnetoelectric Feedback among Magnetic Order, Polarization, and Lattice in Multiferroic BiFeO3 J Park, SH Lee, S Lee, F Gozzo, H Kimura, Y Noda, Y Jai Choi, ... Journal of the Physical Society of Japan 80 (11), 114714, 2011 | 55 | 2011 |
Numerical renormalization-group study of the symmetric Anderson-Holstein model: Phonon and electron spectral functions GS Jeon, TH Park, HY Choi Physical Review B 68 (4), 045106, 2003 | 51 | 2003 |
Nature of quasiparticle excitations in the fractional quantum Hall effect GS Jeon, JK Jain Physical Review B 68 (16), 165346, 2003 | 45 | 2003 |
Double stochastic resonance peaks in systems with dynamic phase transitions BJ Kim, P Minnhagen, HJ Kim, MY Choi, GS Jeon Europhysics letters 56 (3), 333, 2001 | 45 | 2001 |
Berry phases for composite fermions: Effective magnetic field and fractional statistics GS Jeon, KL Graham, JK Jain Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 70 (12), 125316, 2004 | 43 | 2004 |
Fractional quantum Hall effect in the second Landau level: The importance of inter-composite-fermion interaction C Töke, MR Peterson, GS Jeon, JK Jain Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 72 (12), 125315, 2005 | 40 | 2005 |
Composite fermion theory of correlated electrons in semiconductor quantum dots in high magnetic fields GS Jeon, CC Chang, JK Jain Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 69 (24), 241304, 2004 | 39 | 2004 |
Autonomous stochastic resonance in fully frustrated Josephson-junction ladders GS Jeon, MY Choi Physical Review B 66 (6), 064514, 2002 | 35 | 2002 |