Nina Isabella Moeller
Nina Isabella Moeller
University of Southern Denmark (SDU), Food Lab, Centre for Rural Research, DBS
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Cited by
Absent Agroecology Aid: On UK Agricultural Development Assistance Since 2010
MP Pimbert, NI Moeller
Sustainability 10 (2), 505, 2018
Agroecology now-connecting the dots to enable agroecology transformations
CR Anderson, MP Pimbert, MJ Chappell, J Brem-Wilson, P Claeys, C Kiss, ...
Agroecology and Sustainable Food Systems 44 (5), 561-565, 2020
MP Pimbert, NI Moeller, J Singh, CR Anderson
Oxford research encyclopaedia of anthro-pology. Oxford University Press …, 2021
Identifying benefit flows: studies on the potential monetary and non-monetary benefits arising from the international treaty on plant genetic for food and agriculture
C Stannard, NI Moeller
Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, 2013
Nature-Based Solutions and Agroecology: Business as Usual or an Opportunity for Transformative Change?
R Wynberg, M Pimbert, N Moeller, G McAllister, RB Kerr, J Singh, M Belay, ...
Environment: Science and Policy for Sustainable Development 65 (1), 15-22, 2023
Analysis of Funding Flows to Agroecology: The case of European Union monetary flows to the United Nations’ Rome-based agencies and the case of the Green Climate Fund
NI Moeller
Cooperation Internationale pour le Développement et la Solidarité/Centre for …, 2020
The protection of traditional knowledge in the Ecuadorian Amazon: a critical ethnography of capital expansion
NI Moeller
Lancaster University (United Kingdom), 2010
Childcare and academia: An intervention
J Hope, C Lemanski, T Bastia, N Moeller, P Meth, G Williams
International Development Planning Review 42 (4), 391-405, 2020
Plants that speak and institutions that don’t listen: Notes on the protection of traditional knowledge
NI Moeller
Food Sovereignty, Agroecology and Biocultural Diversity, 222-253, 2017
Open Source Seed Networking: Towards a global community of seed commons
NI Moeller, M Pedersen
HIVOS, 2018
A collective response from food sovereignty scholars on the EU’s Farm to Fork Strategy
G Alberdi, MB Zubillaga, Z Brent, G Choplin, P Claeys, M Conti, A Corrado, ...
Navigating the challenges of fieldwork and childcare: Revisiting ‘muddy glee’
T Bastia, J Hope, K Jenkins, C Lemanski, P Meth, N Moeller, G Williams
Area 54 (4), 569-573, 2022
Apocalyptically blinded
NI Moeller, JM Pedersen
Global Discourse 7 (1), 84-86, 2017
Measuring agroecology: Introducing a methodological framework and a community of practice approach
NI Moeller, M Geck, C Anderson, C Barahona, C Broudic, R Cluset, ...
Elementa: Science of the Anthropocene 11 (1), 2023
How indigenous people in the Amazon are coping with the coronavirus pandemic
NI Moeller, JM Pedersen
Governing seed for food production: The international treaty on plant genetic resources for food and agriculture
NI Moeller
South Centre, 2021
Haphazard knowledge production: Thoughts on ethnography and mess in the urbanising Ecuadorian Amazon
NI Moeller
Messy ethnographies in action, 33-45, 2018
Report on Progress II: Matrix of Funding Tools Analysis.
NI Moeller
International Treaty on Plant Genetic Resources for Food and …, 2019
Open source seeds networking: Towards a global community of seed commons
NI Moeller, JM Pedersen
Hivos, 2018
We know how food production needs to change if crisis is to be avoided–so why isn't this happening?
NI Moeller, M Pimbert
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Articles 1–20