HUBERT Olivier
HUBERT Olivier
ENS Paris-Saclay
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Reversible magneto-elastic behavior: A multiscale approach
L Daniel, O Hubert, N Buiron, R Billardon
Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids 56 (3), 1018-1042, 2008
Effect of punching on electrical steels: Experimental and numerical coupled analysis
F Ossart, E Hug, O Hubert, C Buvat, R Billardon
IEEE transactions on magnetics 36 (5), 3137-3140, 2000
A multiscale model for magneto-elastic behaviour including hysteresis effects
L Daniel, M Rekik, O Hubert
Archive of Applied Mechanics 84, 1307-1323, 2014
Coincidence of strain-induced TRIP and propagative PLC bands in medium Mn steels
M Callahan, O Hubert, F Hild, A Perlade, JH Schmitt
Materials Science and Engineering: A 704, 391-400, 2017
Multiscale modeling of the magneto-mechanical behavior of grain-oriented silicon steels
O Hubert, L Daniel
Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 320 (7), 1412-1422, 2008
Experimental analysis of the magnetoelastic anisotropy of a non-oriented silicon iron alloy
O Hubert, L Daniel, R Billardon
Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 254, 352-354, 2003
Energetical and multiscale approaches for the definition of an equivalent stress for magneto-elastic couplings
O Hubert, L Daniel
Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 323 (13), 1766-1781, 2011
Influence of plastic strain on magnetic behaviour of non-oriented Fe–3Si and application to manufacturing test by punching
O Hubert, E Hug
Materials science and technology 11 (5), 482-487, 1995
An equivalent stress for the influence of multiaxial stress on the magnetic behavior
L Daniel, O Hubert
Journal of applied physics 105 (7), 2009
Effect of internal stresses on the magnetic properties of non-oriented Fe–3wt.% Si and (Fe, Co)–2wt.% V alloys
E Hug, O Hubert, JJ Van Houtte
Materials Science and Engineering: A 332 (1-2), 193-202, 2002
Study of the N = 50 major shell effect toward 78Ni at PARRNe
O Perru, D Verney, F Ibrahim, O Bajeat, C Bourgeois, F Clapier, ...
The European Physical Journal A-Hadrons and Nuclei 28, 307-312, 2006
Thermomechanical modelling of a NiTi SMA sample submitted to displacement-controlled tensile test
D Depriester, A Maynadier, K Lavernhe-Taillard, O Hubert
International Journal of Solids and Structures 51 (10), 1901-1922, 2014
Influence of a multiaxial stress on the reversible and irreversible magnetic behaviour of a 3% Si-Fe alloy
M Rekik, O Hubert, L Daniel
International Journal of Applied Electromagnetics and Mechanics 44 (3-4 …, 2014
An analytical model for the ΔE effect in magnetic materials
L Daniel, O Hubert
The European Physical Journal-Applied Physics 45 (3), 31101, 2009
Equivalent stress criteria for the effect of stress on magnetic behavior
L Daniel, O Hubert
IEEE Transactions on Magnetics 46 (8), 3089-3092, 2010
Some aspects of the magnetomechanical coupling in the strengthening of nonoriented and grain-oriented 3% SiFe alloys
E Hug, O Hubert, M Clavel
IEEE transactions on magnetics 33 (1), 763-771, 1997
Multiscale magneto-elastic modeling of magnetic materials including isotropic second order stress effect
O Hubert
Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 491, 165564, 2019
Magneto-mechanical modeling of electrical steel sheets
U Aydin, P Rasilo, F Martin, D Singh, L Daniel, A Belahcen, M Rekik, ...
Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 439, 82-90, 2017
Piezomagnetic behavior of Fe–Al–B alloys
C Bormio-Nunes, O Hubert
Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 393, 404-418, 2015
A simplified 3-D constitutive law for magnetomechanical behavior
L Daniel, O Hubert, M Rekik
IEEE Transactions on Magnetics 51 (3), 1-4, 2015
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Articles 1–20