Hadi Bahadori
Hadi Bahadori
Professor of Civil Engineering, Dept. Civil Engineering, Urmia University
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Reduction of cement consumption by the aid of silica nano-particles (investigation on concrete properties)
H Bahadori, P Hosseini
Journal of Civil Engineering and Management 18 (3), 416-425, 2012
Effect of non plastic silt on the anisotropic behavior of sand
H Bahadori, A GHALANDARZADEH, I Towhata
Soils and foundations 48 (4), 531-545, 2008
Experimental study on marl soil stabilization using natural pozzolans
H Bahadori, A Hasheminezhad, F Taghizadeh
Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering 31 (2), 04018363, 2019
Seismic response of shallow foundations over liquefiable soils improved by deep soil mixing columns
A Hasheminezhad, H Bahadori
Computers and Geotechnics 110, 251-273, 2019
Development of an integrated model for seismic vulnerability assessment of residential buildings: Application to Mahabad City, Iran
H Bahadori, A Hasheminezhad, A Karimi
Journal of Building Engineering 12, 118–131, 2017
Dynamic Properties of Saturated Sands Mixed with Tyre Powders and Tyre Shreds
H Bahadori, R Farzalizadeh
International Journal of Civil Engineering, 1-14, 2016
A comparative study between gravel and rubber drainage columns for mitigation of liquefaction hazards
H Bahadori, R Farzalizadeh, A Barghi, A Hasheminezhad
Journal of Rock Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering 10 (5), 924-934, 2018
Liquefaction resistance of fibre-reinforced silty sands under cyclic loading
S Ghadr, A Samadzadeh, H Bahadori, A Assadi-Langroudi
Geotextiles and Geomembranes 48 (6), 812-827, 2020
Shaking table tests on shallow foundations over geocomposite and geogrid-reinforced liquefiable soils
H Bahadori, H Motamedi, A Hasheminezhad, R Motamed
Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering 128, 105896, 2020
Effect of tyre chips on dynamic properties of saturated sands
H Bahadori, S Manafi
International Journal of Physical Modelling in Geotechnics 15 (3), 116-128, 2015
Liquefaction resistance of silty sand with ground rubber additive
S Ghadr, A Samadzadeh, H Bahadori, BC O’Kelly, A Assadi-Langroudi
International Journal of Geomechanics 21 (6), 04021076, 2021
Anisotropic behavior of fiber-reinforced sands
S Ghadr, H Bahadori
Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering 31 (11), 04019270, 2019
Shaking table tests on wall-type gravel and rubber drains as a liquefaction countermeasure in silty sand
R Farzalizadeh, A Hasheminezhad, H Bahadori
Geotextiles and Geomembranes 49 (6), 1483-1494, 2021
Stabilization of sand with colloidal nano-silica hydrosols
S Ghadr, A Assadi-Langroudi, C Hung, BC O’Kelly, H Bahadori, T Ghodsi
Applied Sciences 10 (15), 5192, 2020
On the deep soil mixing method in the mitigation of liquefaction-induced bearing capacity degradation of shallow foundations
A Hasheminezhad, H Bahadori
Geomechanics and Geoengineering 17 (1), 334-346, 2022
The influence of natural pozzolans structure on marl soil stabilization
H Bahadori, A Hasheminezhad, S Alizadeh
Transportation Infrastructure Geotechnology 7, 46-54, 2020
Anisotropy in sand–fibre composites and undrained stress–strain implications
S Ghadr, H Bahadori, A Assadi-Langroudi
International Journal of Geosynthetics and Ground Engineering 5, 1-13, 2019
Stabilisation of Urmia Lake peat using natural and artificial pozzolans
H Bahadori, A Hasheminezhad, S Mohamadi asl
Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers-Ground Improvement 175 (2 …, 2022
Investigation on the dynamic properties of saturated sand-tire chips mixture by shaking table
H Bahadori, S Manafi
Effect of silt content on the anisotropic behavior of sand in cyclic loading
H Bahadori, A Ahmadi, A Ghalandarzadeh
4th international confrence on earthquake engineering, Greece, 2007
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Articles 1–20