Jan Rosset
Jan Rosset
University of Applied Sciences and Arts Western Switzerland (HES-SO Valais-Wallis)
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Cited by
The poor political representation of the poor in a comparative perspective
N Giger, J Rosset, J Bernauer
Representation 48 (1), 47-61, 2012
Mind the gap: Do proportional electoral systems foster a more equal representation of women and men, poor and rich?
J Bernauer, N Giger, J Rosset
International Political Science Review 36 (1), 78-98, 2015
More money, fewer problems? Cross-level effects of economic deprivation on political representation
J Rosset, N Giger, J Bernauer
West European Politics 36 (4), 817-835, 2013
How well are citizens represented by their governments? Issue congruence and inequality in Europe
J Rosset, C Stecker
European Political Science Review 11 (2), 145-160, 2019
Unequal representation of age groups in Switzerland
K Kissau, G Lutz, J Rosset
Representation 48 (1), 63-81, 2012
Are the policy preferences of relatively poor citizens under-represented in the Swiss Parliament?
J Rosset
The Journal of Legislative Studies 19 (4), 490-504, 2013
Economic inequality and political representation in Switzerland
J Rosset
Springer, 2016
Challenging climate strikers' youthfulness: The evolution of the generational gap in environmental attitudes since 1999
J Lorenzini, GA Monsch, J Rosset
Frontiers in political science 3, 633563, 2021
I the people? Self-interest and demand for government responsiveness
J Rosset, N Giger, J Bernauer
Comparative Political Studies 50 (6), 794-821, 2017
Blind spots in the party system: Spatial voting and issue salience if voters face scarce choices
AS Kurella, J Rosset
Electoral Studies 49, 1-16, 2017
Gendered policy preferences? Candidates’ views on political issues in a comparative perspective
A Lloren, J Rosset
Comparative European Politics 15, 944-968, 2017
The electoral roots of unequal representation. A spatial modelling approach to party systems and voting in Western Europe
J Rosset, AS Kurella
European Journal of Political Research 60 (4), 785-806, 2021
8 Representation of political opinions
J Rosset, G Lutz, K Kissau
Political Representation: Roles, representatives and the represented, 117, 2016
Descriptive and substantive representation of poor citizens in Switzerland
A Lloren, J Rosset, R Wüest
Available at SSRN 2733015, 2015
Introducing the inequality and politics survey
J Pontusson, N Giger, J Rosset, DK Lascombes
Preliminary findings, 2020
The rise of cultural issues as an opportunity for the right? Insights from the 2015 Swiss election
AS Kurella, J Rosset
Swiss Political Science Review 24 (4), 381-399, 2018
The 2010 presidential election in Poland
J Rosset
When explanations for poverty help explain social policy preferences: The case of European public opinion amidst the economic recession (2009–2014)
L Marquis, J Rosset
Social Justice Research 34 (4), 428-459, 2021
Economically based inequalities in political representation: Where do they come from?
J Rosset
Understanding inequality: Social costs and benefits, 241-256, 2016
Policy congruence beyond left-right: evidence from the Swiss 2007 election
G Lutz, K Kissau, J Rosset
CCS Meeting, 27-29, 2012
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Articles 1–20