Karine Altisen
Karine Altisen
Maître de Conférences, Grenoble INP / Verimag
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A framework for scheduler synthesis
K Altisen, G Goßler, A Pnueli, J Sifakis, S Tripakis, S Yovine
Proceedings 20th IEEE Real-Time Systems Symposium (Cat. No. 99CB37054), 154-163, 1999
Scheduler modeling based on the controller synthesis paradigm
K Altisen, G Gößler, J Sifakis
Real-Time Systems 23, 55-84, 2002
On-the-fly controller synthesis for discrete and dense-time systems
S Tripakis, K Altisen
FM’99—Formal Methods: World Congress on Formal Methods in the Development …, 1999
Using controller-synthesis techniques to build property-enforcing layers
K Altisen, A Clodic, F Maraninchi, É Rutten
European Symposium on Programming, 174-188, 2003
Implementation of timed automata: An issue of semantics or modeling?
K Altisen, S Tripakis
International Conference on Formal Modeling and Analysis of Timed Systems …, 2005
Introduction to distributed self-stabilizing algorithms
K Altisen, S Devismes, S Dubois, F Petit
Springer Nature, 2022
Arrival curves for real-time calculus: the causality problem and its solutions
M Moy, K Altisen
International Conference on Tools and Algorithms for the Construction and …, 2010
A methodology for the construction of scheduled systems
K Altisen, G Gößler, J Sifakis
Formal Techniques in Real-Time and Fault-Tolerant Systems: 6th International …, 2000
Tools for controller synthesis of timed systems
K Altisen, S Tripakis
Proc. 2nd Work. on Real-Time Tools (RT-TOOLS’02), 2002-025, 2002
Aspect-oriented programming for reactive systems: Larissa, a proposal in the synchronous framework
K Altisen, F Maraninchi, D Stauch
Science of Computer Programming 63 (3), 297-320, 2006
Self-stabilizing leader election in polynomial steps
K Altisen, A Cournier, S Devismes, A Durand, F Petit
Information and Computation 254, 330-366, 2017
Coherent Bremsstrahlung in the System at
M Hoefman, L Aphecetche, JCS Bacelar, H Delagrange, P Descouvemont, ...
Physical Review Letters 85 (7), 1404, 2000
Sensor minimization problems with static or dynamic observers for fault diagnosis
F Cassez, S Tripakis, K Altisen
Seventh International Conference on Application of Concurrency to System …, 2007
A framework for certified self-stabilization
K Altisen, P Corbineau, S Devismes
Logical Methods in Computer Science 13, 2017
SR3: Secure resilient reputation-based routing
K Altisen, S Devismes, R Jamet, P Lafourcade
2013 IEEE International Conference on Distributed Computing in Sensor …, 2013
Performance evaluation of components using a granularity-based interface between real-time calculus and timed automata
K Altisen, Y Liu, M Moy
arXiv preprint arXiv:1004.2637, 2010
Concurrency in snap-stabilizing local resource allocation
K Altisen, S Devismes, A Durand
Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing 102, 42-56, 2017
ac2lus: Bringing SMT-solving and abstract interpretation techniques to real-time calculus through the synchronous language Lustre
K Altisen, M Moy
2010 22nd Euromicro Conference on Real-Time Systems, 207-216, 2010
On probabilistic snap-stabilization
K Altisen, S Devismes
Theoretical Computer Science 688, 49-76, 2017
Leader election in asymmetric labeled unidirectional rings
K Altisen, AK Datta, S Devismes, A Durand, LL Larmore
2017 IEEE International Parallel and Distributed Processing Symposium (IPDPS …, 2017
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Articles 1–20