Cunjak RA
Cunjak RA
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Lipid corrections in carbon and nitrogen stable isotope analyses: comparison of chemical extraction and modelling methods
JM Logan, TD Jardine, TJ Miller, SE Bunn, RA Cunjak, ME Lutcavage
Journal of Animal Ecology, 838-846, 2008
Winter habitat of selected stream fishes and potential impacts from land-use activity
RA Cunjak
Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 53 (S1), 267-282, 1996
Winter habitat utilization by stream resident brook trout (Salvelinus fontinalis) and brown trout (Salmo trutta)
RA Cunjak, G Power
Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 43 (10), 1970-1981, 1986
Spatial niche variability for young Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) and brown trout (S. trutta) in heterogeneous streams
J Heggenes, JL Bagliniere, RA Cunjak
Ecology of freshwater fish 8 (1), 1-21, 1999
Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) in winter:" the season of parr discontent"?
RA Cunjak, TD Prowse, DL Parrish
Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 55 (S1), 161-180, 1998
Behaviour and microhabitat of young Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) during winter
RA Cunjak
Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 45 (12), 2156-2160, 1988
Field test of a new method for tracking small fishes in shallow rivers using passive integrated transponder (PIT) technology
JM Roussel, A Haro, RA Cunjak
Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 57 (7), 1326-1329, 2000
Physiological consequences of overwintering in streams: the cost of acclimitization?
RA Cunjak
Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 45 (3), 443-452, 1988
The feeding and energetics of stream‐resident trout in winter
RA Cunjak, G Power
Journal of Fish Biology 31 (4), 493-511, 1987
Using stable isotope analysis with telemetry or mark-recapture data to identify fish movement and foraging
RA Cunjak, JM Roussel, MA Gray, JP Dietrich, DF Cartwright, ...
Oecologia 144, 636-646, 2005
Density‐dependent growth of young‐of‐the‐year Atlantic salmon Salmo salar in Catamaran Brook, New Brunswick
I Imre, JWA Grant, RA Cunjak
Journal of Animal Ecology 74 (3), 508-516, 2005
Dry mass–length relationships for benthic insects: a review with new data from Catamaran Brook, New Brunswick, Canada
TA Johnston, RA Cunjak
Freshwater Biology 41 (4), 653-674, 1999
Behaviour during elevated water temperatures: can physiology explain movement of juvenile Atlantic salmon to cool water?
C Breau, RA Cunjak, SJ Peake
Journal of Animal Ecology 80 (4), 844-853, 2011
Preserving, augmenting, and creating cold‐water thermal refugia in rivers: Concepts derived from research on the Miramichi River, New Brunswick (Canada)
BL Kurylyk, KTB MacQuarrie, T Linnansaari, RA Cunjak, RA Curry
Ecohydrology 8 (6), 1095-1108, 2015
Stable isotopes in aquatic systems: sample preparation, analysis and interpretation
TD Jardine, SA McGeachy, CM Paton, M Savoie, RA Cunjak
[Fredericton, NB]: Fisheries and Oceans, 2003
Implications of territory size for the measurement and prediction of salmonid abundance in streams
JWA Grant, SÓ Steingrímsson, ER Keeley, RA Cunjak
Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 55 (S1), 181-190, 1998
Variation in stream water chemistry and hydrograph separation in a small drainage basin
D Caissie, TL Pollock, RA Cunjak
Journal of hydrology 178 (1-4), 137-157, 1996
Age‐specific aggregation of wild juvenile Atlantic salmon Salmo salar at cool water sources during high temperature events
C Breau, RA Cunjak, G Bremset
Journal of Fish Biology 71 (4), 1179-1191, 2007
Inter‐stage survival of wild juvenile Atlantic salmon, Salmo salar L.
RA Cunjak, J Therrien
Fisheries Management and Ecology 5 (3), 209-223, 1998
The effects of environmental heat stress on heat-shock mRNA and protein expression in Miramichi Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) parr
SG Lund, D Caissie, RA Cunjak, MM Vijayan, BL Tufts
Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 59 (9), 1553-1562, 2002
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