Sarah Jane Delany
Sarah Jane Delany
Technological University Dublin
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Cited by
K-nearest neighbour classifiers-a tutorial
P Cunningham, SJ Delany
ACM computing surveys (CSUR) 54 (6), 1-25, 2021
Supervised learning
P Cunningham, M Cord, SJ Delany
Machine learning techniques for multimedia: case studies on organization and …, 2008
A case-based technique for tracking concept drift in spam filtering
SJ Delany, P Cunningham, A Tsymbal, L Coyle
International Conference on Innovative Techniques and Applications of …, 2004
SMS spam filtering: Methods and data
SJ Delany, M Buckley, D Greene
Expert Systems with Applications 39 (10), 9899-9908, 2012
A case-based approach to spam filtering that can track concept drift
P Cunningham, N Nowlan, SJ Delany, M Haahr
The ICCBR 3, 03-2003, 2003
An analysis of case-base editing in a spam filtering system
SJ Delany, P Cunningham
European Conference on Case-Based Reasoning, 128-141, 2004
An assessment of case-based reasoning for spam filtering
SJ Delany, P Cunningham, L Coyle
Artificial Intelligence Review 24 (3), 359-378, 2005
Generating estimates of classification confidence for a case-based spam filter
SJ Delany, P Cunningham, D Doyle, A Zamolotskikh
Case-Based Reasoning Research and Development: 6th International Conference …, 2005
k-Nearest neighbour classifiers: (with Python examples)
P Cunningham, SJ Delany
arXiv preprint arXiv:2004.04523, 2020
Drift detection using uncertainty distribution divergence
P Lindstrom, B Mac Namee, SJ Delany
Evolving Systems 4, 13-25, 2013
Handling concept drift in a text data stream constrained by high labelling cost
P Lindstrom, SJ Delany, B Mac Namee
Twenty-Third International FLAIRS Conference, 2010
Noise reduction for instance-based learning with a local maximal margin approach
N Segata, E Blanzieri, SJ Delany, P Cunningham
Journal of Intelligent Information Systems 35, 301-331, 2010
Modeling mental workload via rule-based expert system: a comparison with NASA-TLX and workload profile
L Rizzo, P Dondio, SJ Delany, L Longo
Artificial Intelligence Applications and Innovations: 12th IFIP WG 12.5 …, 2016
Off to a good start: Using clustering to select the initial training set in active learning
R Hu, B Mac Namee, SJ Delany
Twenty-Third International FLAIRS Conference, 2010
Using semi-supervised classifiers for credit scoring
K Kennedy, BM Namee, SJ Delany
Journal of the Operational Research Society 64 (4), 513-529, 2013
Active learning for text classification with reusability
R Hu, B Mac Namee, SJ Delany
Expert systems with applications 45, 438-449, 2016
An assessment of case base reasoning for short text message classification
M Healy, SJ Delany, A Zamolotskikh
Technological University Dublin, 2004
Using crowdsourcing for labelling emotional speech assets
A Tarasov, SJ Delany, C Cullen
Technological University Dublin, 2010
A Comparison of Ensemble and Case-Base Maintenance Techniques for Handling Concept Drift in Spam Filtering.
SJ Delany, P Cunningham, A Tsymbal
FLAIRS, 340-345, 2006
A window of opportunity: Assessing behavioural scoring
K Kennedy, B Mac Namee, SJ Delany, M O’Sullivan, N Watson
Expert Systems with Applications 40 (4), 1372-1380, 2013
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Articles 1–20