Syed Gillani
Syed Gillani
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A Generic Ontology for Prosumer-Oriented Smart Grid.
S Gillani, F Laforest, G Picard
EDBT/ICDT Workshops 1133, 134-139, 2014
A query language for semantic complex event processing: Syntax, semantics and implementation
S Gillani, A Zimmermann, G Picard, F Laforest
Semantic Web 10 (1), 53-93, 2018
A real-time heuristic-based unsupervised method for name disambiguation in digital libraries
M Imran, S Gillani, M Marchese
D-Lib Magazine 19 (9), 1, 2013
Continuous graph pattern matching over knowledge graph streams
S Gillani, G Picard, F Laforest
Proceedings of the 10th ACM International Conference on Distributed and …, 2016
Towards efficient semantically enriched complex event processing and pattern matching
S Gillani, G Picard, F Laforest, A Zimmermann
Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Ordering and Reasoning …, 2014
Pi-cep: Predictive complex event processing using range queries over historical pattern space
S Gillani, A Kammoun, K Singh, J Subercaze, C Gravier, J Fayolle, ...
2017 IEEE International Conference on Data Mining Workshops (ICDMW), 1166-1171, 2017
Problem localization and quantification using formal evidential reasoning for virtual networks
SF Gillani, M Demirci, E Al-Shaer, MH Ammar
IEEE transactions on network and service management 11 (3), 307-320, 2014
Spectra: Continuous query processing for rdf graph streams over sliding windows
S Gillani, G Picard, F Laforest
Proceedings of the 28th International Conference on Scientific and …, 2016
DIONYSUS: Towards Query-aware Distributed Processing of RDF Graph Streams.
S Gillani, G Picard, F Laforest
EDBT/ICDT Workshops, 2016
Intelscep: Towards an intelligent semantic complex event processing framework for prosumer-oriented smartgrid
S Gillani, G Picard, F Laforest
Proceedings of the 2014 International Workshop on Web Intelligence and Smart …, 2014
Upsortable: programming top-k queries over data streams
J Subercaze, C Gravier, S Gillani, A Kammoun, F Laforest
Proceedings of the VLDB Endowment 10 (12), 1873-1876, 2017
All that Incremental is not Efficient: Towards Recomputation Based Complex Event Processing for Expensive Queries
A Kammoun, S Gillani, J Subercaze, S Frénot, K Singh, F Laforest, ...
EDBT, 2018
Semantically-enabled stream processing and complex event processing over RDF graph streams
S Gillani
Université de Lyon, 2016
High performance top-k processing of non-linear windows over data streams
A Kammoun, S Gillani, C Gravier, J Subercaze
Proceedings of the 10th ACM International Conference on Distributed and …, 2016
Top-K queries in RDF graph-based stream processing with actors
S Gillani, A Kammoun, J Subercaze, K Singh, G Picard, F Laforest
Proceedings of the 9th ACM International Conference on Distributed Event …, 2015
A Scalable Framework for Accelerating Situation Prediction over Spatio-temporal Event Streams
A Kammoun, T Raynaud, S Gillani, K Singh, J Fayolle, F Laforest
Proceedings of the 12th ACM International Conference on Distributed and …, 2018
DEBS Grand Challenge: Top-K Queries in RDF Graph-based Stream Processing with Actors
S Gillani, A Kammoun, J Subercaze, K Singh, G Picard, F Laforest
2014 Index IEEE Transactions on Network and Service Management Vol. 11
E Al-Shaer, JM Alcaraz Calero, RM Amini, MH Ammar, X Ao, M Arzel, ...
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Articles 1–18