Panagiotis D. Ritsos
Panagiotis D. Ritsos
Senior Lecturer in Visualisation, Bangor University
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Cited by
Visualization Beyond the Desktop-the next big thing.
JC Roberts, PD Ritsos, SK Badam, D Brodbeck, J Kennedy, N Elmqvist
IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications, 2014
Sketching designs using the Five Design-Sheet methodology
JC Roberts, C Headleand, PD Ritsos
IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics 22 (1), 419-28, 2016
The implementation and validation of a virtual environment for training powered wheelchair manoeuvres
NW John, SR Pop, TW Day, PD Ritsos, CJ Headleand
IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics, 2017
VRIA: A Web-based Framework for Creating Immersive Analytics Experiences
P Butcher, NW John, PD Ritsos
IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics 27 (7), 3213–3225, 2020
Five Design-Sheets: Creative Design and Sketching for Computing and Visualisation
JC Roberts, CJ Headleand, PD Ritsos
Springer; 1st ed. 2017 edition (28 Jun. 2017), 2017
The Explanatory Visualization Framework: An active learning framework for teaching creative computing using explanatory visualizations
JC Roberts, PD Ritsos, JR Jackson, C Headleand
IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics 24 (1), 791-801, 2018
Interpreting in Virtual Reality: Designing and Developing a 3D Virtual World to Prepare Interpreters and their Clients for Professional Practice
S Braun, C Slater, R Gittins, PD Ritsos, JC Roberts
New Prospects and Perspectives for Educating Language Mediators, 93-119, 2013
Standards for Augmented Reality: a User Experience perspective
PD Ritsos, DP Ritsos, AS Gougoulis
4th International AR Standards Meeting, Barcelona, 2011, 2011
Alternative representations of 3D-reconstructed heritage data
HC Miles, AT Wilson, F Labrosse, B Tiddeman, S Griffiths, B Edwards, ...
Journal on Computing and Cultural Heritage (JOCCH) 9 (1), 1-18, 2015
Prototyping 3D haptic data visualizations
SA Panëels, PD Ritsos, PJ Rodgers, JC Roberts
Computers & Graphics 37 (3), 179–192, 2013
A cost-effective virtual environment for simulating and training powered wheelchairs manoeuvres
CJ Headleand, T Day, SR Pop, PD Ritsos, NW John
Medicine Meets Virtual Reality 22, 134-141, 2016
Immersive Analytics with WebVR and Google Cardboard
PWS Butcher, JC Roberts, PD Ritsos
Posters of the IEEE Conference on Visualization (IEEE VIS 2016), 2016
RAMPVIS: Answering the Challenges of Building Visualisation Capabilities for Large-scale Emergency Responses
M Chen, A Abdul-Rahman, D Archambault, J Dykes, PD Ritsos, ...
Epidemics, 2022
Building Immersive Data Visualizations for the Web
PWS Butcher, PD Ritsos
Proceedings of International Conference on Cyberworlds (CW’17), Chester, UK, 2017
Using virtual reality for interpreter-mediated communication and training
PD Ritsos, R Gittins, JC Roberts, S Braun, C Slater
2012 International Conference on Cyberworlds, 191-198, 2012
The reality of the situation: A survey of situated analytics
S Shin, A Batch, PWS Butcher, PD Ritsos, N Elmqvist
IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics, 2023
Towards more Visual Analytics in Learning Analytics
PD Ritsos, JC Roberts
Fifth EuroVis Workshop on Visual Analytics (EuroVA), 2014
Interactive visual analytics of hydrodynamic flux for the coastal zone
RLSF George, PE Robins, AG Davies, PD Ritsos, JC Roberts
Environmental Earth Sciences 72, 3753-3766, 2014
Vria-a framework for immersive analytics on the web
PWS Butcher, NW John, PD Ritsos
Extended Abstracts of the 2019 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing …, 2019
Visualization for epidemiological modelling: challenges, solutions, reflections & recommendations
J Dykes, A Abdul-Rahman, D Archambault, B Bach, R Borgo, M Chen, ...
Phil. Trans. R. Soc. A. (special issue on ‘Technical challenges of modelling …, 2022
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Articles 1–20