isaac chairez
isaac chairez
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Robust trajectory tracking of a delta robot through adaptive active disturbance rejection control
LA Castañeda, A Luviano-Juárez, I Chairez
IEEE Transactions on control systems technology 23 (4), 1387-1398, 2014
Decomposition of toxic pollutants in landfill leachate by ozone after coagulation treatment
T Poznyak, GL Bautista, I Chaírez, RI Córdova, LE Ríos
Journal of hazardous materials 152 (3), 1108-1114, 2008
Selective adaptation of an anaerobic microbial community: Biohydrogen production by co-digestion of cheese whey and vegetables fruit waste
J Gomez-Romero, A Gonzalez-Garcia, I Chairez, L Torres, EI Garcia-Peña
International Journal of Hydrogen Energy 39 (24), 12541-12550, 2014
Takagi–Sugeno dynamic neuro-fuzzy controller of uncertain nonlinear systems
J Cervantes, W Yu, S Salazar, I Chairez
IEEE Transactions on Fuzzy Systems 25 (6), 1601-1615, 2016
Remediation of lignin and its derivatives from pulp and paper industry wastewater by the combination of chemical precipitation and ozonation
W De los Santos Ramos, T Poznyak, I Chairez
Journal of hazardous materials 169 (1-3), 428-434, 2009
Non-singular terminal sliding-mode control for a manipulator robot using a barrier Lyapunov function
D Cruz-Ortiz, I Chairez, A Poznyak
ISA transactions 121, 268-283, 2022
Microbial co-culturing strategies for the production high value compounds, a reliable framework towards sustainable biorefinery implementation–an overview
G Rosero-Chasoy, RM Rodríguez-Jasso, CN Aguilar, G Buitrón, I Chairez, ...
Bioresource technology 321, 124458, 2021
Reactivity of NiO for 2, 4-D degradation with ozone: XPS studies
JL Rodríguez, MA Valenzuela, T Poznyak, L Lartundo, I Chairez
Journal of hazardous materials 262, 472-481, 2013
Enhanced hydrogen production by a sequential dark and photo fermentation process: effects of initial feedstock composition, dilution and microbial population
C Niño-Navarro, I Chairez, P Christen, M Canul-Chan, EI García-Peña
Renewable Energy 147, 924-936, 2020
A survey on artificial neural networks application for identification and control in environmental engineering: Biological and chemical systems with uncertain models
A Poznyak, I Chairez, T Poznyak
Annual Reviews in Control 48, 250-272, 2019
Surface interactions and mechanistic studies of 2, 4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid degradation by catalytic ozonation in presence of Ni/TiO2
JL Rodríguez, T Poznyak, MA Valenzuela, H Tiznado, I Chairez
Chemical engineering journal 222, 426-434, 2013
Mechatronic design and implementation of a two axes sun tracking photovoltaic system driven by a robotic sensor
DA Flores-Hernández, S Palomino-Resendiz, N Lozada-Castillo, ...
Mechatronics 47, 148-159, 2017
Application of a neural observer to phenols ozonation in water: Simulation and kinetic parameters identification
T Poznyak, I Chairez, A Poznyak
Water Research 39 (12), 2611-2620, 2005
Ozonation and biodegradation in environmental engineering: dynamic neural network approach
T Poznyak, JIC Oria, AS Poznyak
Elsevier, 2018
Adaptive tracking control of state constraint systems based on differential neural networks: A barrier Lyapunov function approach
RQ Fuentes-Aguilar, I Chairez
IEEE transactions on neural networks and learning systems 31 (12), 5390-5401, 2020
Sliding-mode control of full-state constraint nonlinear systems: A barrier lyapunov function approach
D Cruz-Ortiz, I Chairez, A Poznyak
IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics: Systems 52 (10), 6593-6606, 2022
Control of discrete time systems based on recurrent super-twisting-like algorithm
I Salgado, S Kamal, B Bandyopadhyay, I Chairez, L Fridman
ISA transactions 64, 47-55, 2016
Robust disturbance rejection control of a biped robotic system using high-order extended state observer
N Martínez-Fonseca, LÁ Castañeda, A Uranga, A Luviano-Juárez, ...
ISA transactions 62, 276-286, 2016
Discrete‐time non‐linear state observer based on a super twisting‐like algorithm
I Salgado, I Chairez, B Bandyopadhyay, L Fridman, O Camacho
IET Control Theory & Applications 8 (10), 803-812, 2014
New sliding-mode learning law for dynamic neural network observer
I Chairez, A Poznyak, T Poznyak
IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems II: Express Briefs 53 (12), 1338-1342, 2006
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Articles 1–20