Adrian Nievergelt
Adrian Nievergelt
MPI-MP group leader
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Cited by
High-speed photothermal off-resonance atomic force microscopy reveals assembly routes of centriolar scaffold protein SAS-6
AP Nievergelt, N Banterle, SH Andany, P Gönczy, GE Fantner
Nature nanotechnology 13 (8), 696-701, 2018
Harnessing the damping properties of materials for high-speed atomic force microscopy
JD Adams, BW Erickson, J Grossenbacher, J Brugger, A Nievergelt, ...
Nature nanotechnology 11 (2), 147-151, 2016
High-resolution correlative microscopy: bridging the gap between single molecule localization microscopy and atomic force microscopy
PD Odermatt, A Shivanandan, H Deschout, R Jankele, AP Nievergelt, ...
Nano letters 15 (8), 4896-4904, 2015
Single-molecule kinetics of pore assembly by the membrane attack complex
ES Parsons, GJ Stanley, ALB Pyne, AW Hodel, AP Nievergelt, A Menny, ...
Nature communications 10 (1), 2066, 2019
Detecting topological variations of DNA at single-molecule level
K Liu, C Pan, A Kuhn, AP Nievergelt, GE Fantner, O Milenkovic, ...
Nature communications 10 (1), 3, 2019
Division site selection linked to inherited cell surface wave troughs in mycobacteria
HA Eskandarian, PD Odermatt, JXY Ven, M Hannebelle, AP Nievergelt, ...
Nature microbiology 2 (9), 1-6, 2017
High-speed imaging upgrade for a standard sample scanning atomic force microscope using small cantilevers
JD Adams, A Nievergelt, BW Erickson, C Yang, M Dukic, GE Fantner
Review of Scientific Instruments 85 (9), 2014
Studying biological membranes with extended range high-speed atomic force microscopy
AP Nievergelt, BW Erickson, N Hosseini, JD Adams, GE Fantner
Scientific reports 5 (1), 11987, 2015
Time-resolved scanning ion conductance microscopy for three-dimensional tracking of nanoscale cell surface dynamics
SM Leitao, B Drake, K Pinjusic, X Pierrat, V Navikas, AP Nievergelt, ...
ACS nano 15 (11), 17613-17622, 2021
A high frequency sensor for optical beam deflection atomic force microscopy
R Enning, D Ziegler, A Nievergelt, R Friedlos, K Venkataramani, ...
Review of scientific instruments 82 (4), 2011
High-frequency multimodal atomic force microscopy
AP Nievergelt, JD Adams, PD Odermatt, GE Fantner
Beilstein journal of nanotechnology 5 (1), 2459-2467, 2014
Photothermal off-resonance tapping for rapid and gentle atomic force imaging of live cells
AP Nievergelt, C Brillard, HA Eskandarian, JD McKinney, GE Fantner
International journal of molecular sciences 19 (10), 2984, 2018
A monolithic MEMS position sensor for closed-loop high-speed atomic force microscopy
N Hosseini, AP Nievergelt, JD Adams, VT Stavrov, GE Fantner
Nanotechnology 27 (13), 135705, 2016
Overlapping and essential roles for molecular and mechanical mechanisms in mycobacterial cell division
PD Odermatt, MTM Hannebelle, HA Eskandarian, AP Nievergelt, ...
Nature physics 16 (1), 57-62, 2020
Large‐range HS‐AFM imaging of DNA self‐assembly through in situ data‐driven control
AP Nievergelt, C Kammer, C Brillard, E Kurisinkal, MMC Bastings, ...
Small Methods 3 (7), 1900031, 2019
Digitally controlled analog proportional-integral-derivative (PID) controller for high-speed scanning probe microscopy
M Dukic, V Todorov, S Andany, AP Nievergelt, C Yang, N Hosseini, ...
Review of Scientific Instruments 88 (12), 2017
Encased cantilevers for low-noise force and mass sensing in liquids
D Ziegler, A Klaassen, D Bahri, D Chmielewski, A Nievergelt, F Mugele, ...
2014 IEEE 27th International Conference on Micro Electro Mechanical Systems …, 2014
Conversion of anterograde into retrograde trains is an intrinsic property of intraflagellar transport
AP Nievergelt, I Zykov, D Diener, A Chhatre, TO Buchholz, M Delling, ...
Current Biology 32 (18), 4071-4078. e4, 2022
Efficient precision editing of endogenous Chlamydomonas reinhardtii genes with CRISPR-Cas
AP Nievergelt, DR Diener, A Bogdanova, T Brown, G Pigino
Cell reports methods 3 (8), 2023
Data-driven controller design for atomic-force microscopy
C Kammer, AP Nievergelt, GE Fantner, A Karimi
IFAC-PapersOnLine 50 (1), 10437-10442, 2017
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Articles 1–20