John Lever
Cited by
Cited by
The growth of halal meat markets in Europe: An exploration of the supply side theory of religion
J Lever, M Miele
Journal of Rural Studies 28 (4), 528-537, 2012
Halal matters: Islam, politics and markets in global perspective
F Bergeaud-Blackler, J Fischer, J Lever
Europe’s perennial ‘outsiders’: A processual approach to Roma stigmatization and ghettoization
R Powell, J Lever
Current Sociology 65 (5), 680-699, 2017
The structural invisibility of outsiders: The role of migrant labour in the meat-processing industry
J Lever, P Milbourne
Sociology 51 (2), 306-322, 2017
Contextualizing entrepreneurial identity among Syrian refugees in Jordan: the emergence of a destabilized habitus?
D Refai, R Haloub, J Lever
The International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Innovation 19 (4), 250-260, 2018
Illegal activity in the UK halal (sheep) supply chain: Towards greater understanding
G McElwee, R Smith, J Lever
Food Policy 69, 166-175, 2017
Civilizing the market for welfare friendly products in Europe? The techno-ethics of the Welfare Quality® assessment
M Miele, J Lever
Geoforum 48 48, 63-72, 2013
Religion, regulation, consumption: Globalising kosher and halal markets
J Lever, J Fischer
Religion, regulation, consumption, 2018
Reconfiguring local food governance in an age of austerity: towards a place-based approach?
J Lever, R Sonnino, F Cheetham
Journal of Rural Studies 69, 97-105, 2019
Improving Animal Welfare in Europe: Cases of comparative bio-sustainabilities
T Marsden, A Morley
Citizen participation and civic activism in comparative perspective
M Taylor, J Howard, J Lever
Journal of Civil Society 6 (2), 145-164, 2010
Corporate social responsibility and farm animal welfare: towards sustainable development in the food industry?
J Lever, A Evans
Stages of corporate social responsibility: From ideas to impacts, 205-222, 2017
Halal meat and religious slaughter: From spatial concealment to social controversy–Breaching the boundaries of the permissible?
J Lever
Environment and Planning C: Politics and Space 37 (5), 889-907, 2019
Urban regeneration partnerships: a figurational critique of governmentality theory
J Lever
Sociology 45 (1), 86-101, 2011
Migrant workers and migrant entrepreneurs: changing established/outsider relations across society and space?
J Lever, P Milbourne
Space and Polity 18 (3), 255-268, 2014
From the slaughterhouse to the consumer: transparency and information in the distribution of Halal and Kosher meat
J Lever, D La Bellacasa, M Puig, M Miele, M Higgen
School of City and Regional Planning, Cardiff University, 2010
The labour market mobility of Polish migrants: A comparative study of three regions in South Wales, UK
J Knight, J Lever, A Thompson
Central and Eastern European Migration Review 3 (2), 61-78, 2014
Food system transformation for sustainable city-regions: exploring the potential of circular economies
J Lever, R Sonnino
Regional Studies 56 (12), 2019-2031, 2022
Social network evolution during long-term migration: A comparison of three case studies in the South Wales region
J Knight, A Thompson, J Lever
Social Identities 23 (1), 56-70, 2017
Governmentalisation and local strategic partnerships: whose priorities?
J Lever
Environment and Planning C: Government and Policy 23 (6), 907-922, 2005
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Articles 1–20