Yannick Balk
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Cited by
Coping under pressure: Employing emotion regulation strategies to enhance performance under pressure
YA Balk, MA Adriaanse, DTD De Ridder, C Evers
Journal of Sport and Exercise Psychology 35 (4), 408-418, 2013
Recovery self-regulation in sport: Theory, research, and practice
YA Balk, C Englert
International Journal of Sports Science & Coaching 15 (2), 273-281, 2020
Testing the triple-match principle among Dutch elite athletes: A day-level study on sport demands, detachment and recovery
YA Balk, J de Jonge, WGM Oerlemans, SAE Geurts
Psychology of Sport and Exercise 33, 7-17, 2017
Physical recovery, mental detachment and sleep as predictors of injury and mental energy
YA Balk, J de Jonge, WGM Oerlemans, SAE Geurts
Journal of health psychology 24 (13), 1828-1838, 2019
“The forgotten session”: Advancing research and practice concerning the psychology of rest in athletes
DW Eccles, Y Balk, TW Gretton, N Harris
Journal of Applied Sport Psychology 34 (1), 3-24, 2022
Antecedents and consequences of perceived autonomy support in elite sport: A diary study linking coaches’ off-job recovery and athletes’ performance satisfaction
YA Balk, J de Jonge, SAE Geurts, WGM Oerlemans
Psychology of Sport and Exercise 44, 26-34, 2019
“What a match!”: The specific role of resources in the relation between demands and vigour in elite sport
YA Balk, J De Jonge, WGM Oerlemans, SAE Geurts
Applied Psychology 69 (1), 120-147, 2020
Balancing demands and resources in sport: Adaptation and validation of the demand-induced strain compensation questionnaire for use in sport
YA Balk, J De Jonge, WGM Oerlemans, SAE Geurts, D Fletcher, ...
Journal of sports science & medicine 17 (2), 237, 2018
Mental recovery and running-related injuries in recreational runners: The moderating role of passion for running
J de Jonge, YA Balk, TW Taris
International journal of environmental research and public health 17 (3), 1044, 2020
The “underrecovery trap”: When physical fatigue impairs the physical and mental recovery process.
YA Balk, J de Jonge
Sport, Exercise, and Performance Psychology 10 (1), 88, 2021
How to help athletes get the mental rest needed to perform well and stay healthy
DW Eccles, G Caviedes, YA Balk, N Harris, TW Gretton
Journal of Sport pSychology in action 12 (4), 259-270, 2021
Follow-up over 20 months confirms gains of online behavioural training in frequent episodic migraine
MJ Sorbi, Y Balk, AM Kleiboer, EGM Couturier
Cephalalgia 37 (3), 236-250, 2017
“Leave it all behind”: the role of mental demands and mental detachment in relation to dance students’ health and well-being
YA Balk, J de Jonge, R van Rijn, J Stubbe
Medical problems of performing artists 33 (4), 258-264, 2018
Too tired to switch off? How post-training physical fatigue impairs mental recovery through increased worry.
YA Balk, KA Tamminen, DW Eccles
Sport, Exercise, and Performance Psychology 10 (4), 489, 2021
Faster, higher, stronger: Demands, resources, and recovery as determinants of elite athletes' well-being
YA Balk
‘Switch off when not in use’: The benefits of detachment from work and sport for recovery
YA Balk
Fostering Recovery and Well-being in a Healthy Lifestyle, 59-72, 2024
What can sports psychology learn from work and organizational psychology? Benefits and pitfalls of applying theoretical models from one context to another
S Isoard-Gautheur, Y Balk, SL du Grosriez, J de Jonge, P Sarrazin
New Ideas in Psychology 72, 101057, 2024
Investigating Historical Abuses: An Applied History Perspective on Intercountry Adoption in the Netherlands, 1950s–Present
Y Balk, G Frerks, B de Graaf
Journal of Applied History 5 (1), 19-46, 2022
Non-sport need satisfaction promotes elite athletes' health and wellbeing: A cross-sectional survey and diary study
Y Balk, J De Jonge, S Geurts, C Lonsdale
Conflicting or enriching? Person-centered weekly follow-up of the relationships between student-athletes’ role interactions and well-being.
S Lefebvre du Grosriez, S Isoard-Gautheur, Y Balk, P Sarrazin
Sport, Exercise, and Performance Psychology, 2024
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Articles 1–20