Peter D. Wragg
Cited by
Cited by
Herbivores and nutrients control grassland plant diversity via light limitation
ET Borer, EW Seabloom, DS Gruner, WS Harpole, H Hillebrand, EM Lind, ...
Nature 508, 517-520, 2014
Productivity Is a Poor Predictor of Plant Species Richness
PB Adler, EW Seabloom, ET Borer, H Hillebrand, Y Hautier, A Hector, ...
Science 333 (6050), 1750-1753, 2011
Grassland productivity limited by multiple nutrients
PA Fay, SM Prober, WS Harpole, JMH Knops, JD Bakker, ET Borer, ...
Nature Plants 1 (7), 15080, 2015
Addition of multiple limiting resources reduces grassland diversity
WS Harpole, LL Sullivan, EM Lind, J Firn, PB Adler, ET Borer, J Chase, ...
Nature 537 (7618), 93-96, 2016
Life‐history constraints in grassland plant species: a growth‐defence trade‐off is the norm
EM Lind, E Borer, E Seabloom, P Adler, JD Bakker, DM Blumenthal, ...
Ecology letters 16 (4), 513-521, 2013
Plant diversity effects on soil microbial functions and enzymes are stronger than warming in a grassland experiment
K Steinauer, D Tilman, PD Wragg, S Cesarz, JM Cowles, K Pritsch, ...
Ecology 96 (1), 99-112, 2015
Anthropogenic nitrogen deposition predicts local grassland primary production worldwide
CJ Stevens, EM Lind, Y Hautier, WS Harpole, ET Borer, S Hobbie, ...
Ecology 96 (6), 1459-1465, 2015
Plant species’ origin predicts dominance and response to nutrient enrichment and herbivores in global grasslands
EW Seabloom, ET Borer, YM Buckley, EE Cleland, KF Davies, J Firn, ...
Nature communications 6 (1), 7710, 2015
Traits linked with species invasiveness and community invasibility vary with time, stage and indicator of invasion in a long‐term grassland experiment
JA Catford, AL Smith, PD Wragg, AT Clark, M Kosmala, ...
Ecology letters 22 (4), 593-604, 2019
Leaf nutrients, not specific leaf area, are consistent indicators of elevated nutrient inputs
J Firn, JM McGree, E Harvey, H Flores-Moreno, M Schütz, YM Buckley, ...
Nature ecology & evolution 3 (3), 400-406, 2019
Predicting invasion in grassland ecosystems: is exotic dominance the real embarrassment of richness?
EW Seabloom, ET Borer, Y Buckley, EE Cleland, K Davies, J Firn, ...
Global change biology 19 (12), 3677-3687, 2013
Shifting grassland plant community structure drives positive interactive effects of warming and diversity on aboveground net primary productivity
JM Cowles, PD Wragg, AJ Wright, JS Powers, D Tilman
Global change biology 22 (2), 741-749, 2016
Microbial carbon use efficiency in grassland soils subjected to nitrogen and phosphorus additions
M Widdig, PM Schleuss, LA Biederman, ET Borer, MJ Crawley, ...
Soil Biology and Biochemistry 146, 107815, 2020
Response to Comments on “Productivity Is a Poor Predictor of Plant Species Richness”
JB Grace, PB Adler, EW Seabloom, ET Borer, H Hillebrand, Y Hautier, ...
Science 335 (6075), 1441-1441, 2012
Nitrogen and phosphorus additions alter the abundance of phosphorus-solubilizing bacteria and phosphatase activity in grassland soils
M Widdig, PM Schleuss, AR Weig, A Guhr, LA Biederman, ET Borer, ...
Frontiers in Environmental Science 7, 185, 2019
Transition from wind pollination to insect pollination in sedges: experimental evidence and functional traits
PD Wragg, SD Johnson
New Phytologist 191 (4), 1128-1140, 2011
Negative effects of nitrogen override positive effects of phosphorus on grassland legumes worldwide
PM Tognetti, SM Prober, S Báez, EJ Chaneton, J Firn, AC Risch, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 118 (28), e2023718118, 2021
Using revegetation to suppress invasive plants in grasslands and forests
MJ Schuster, PD Wragg, PB Reich
Journal of Applied Ecology 55 (5), 2362-2373, 2018
Forbs, grasses, and grassland fire behaviour
PD Wragg, T Mielke, D Tilman
Journal of Ecology 106 (5), 1983-2001, 2018
Climate warming promotes species diversity, but with greater taxonomic redundancy, in complex environments
MP Thakur, D Tilman, O Purschke, M Ciobanu, J Cowles, F Isbell, ...
Science Advances 3 (7), e1700866, 2017
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Articles 1–20