Ayele Gelan
Cited by
Cited by
Local economic impacts: the British open
A Gelan
Annals of tourism research 30 (2), 406-425, 2003
The urban-rural divide: Myth or reality?
A Scott, A Gilbert, A Gelan
Macaulay Institute, 2007
Cash or food aid? A general equilibrium analysis for Ethiopia
A Gelan
Development Policy Review 24 (5), 601-624, 2006
Measuring and explaining technical efficiency of dairy farms: a case study of smallholder farms in East Africa
A Gelan, BW Muriithi
Agrekon 51 (2), 53-74, 2012
Does food aid have disincentive effects on local production? A general equilibrium perspective on food aid in Ethiopia
AU Gelan
Food policy 32 (4), 436-458, 2007
Trade liberalisation and urban–rural linkages: a CGE analysis for Ethiopia
A Gelan
Journal of Policy Modeling 24 (7-8), 707-738, 2002
Economic and environmental impacts of electricity subsidy reform in Kuwait: A general equilibrium analysis
A Gelan
Energy Policy 112, 381-398, 2018
Kuwait's energy subsidy reduction: Examining economic and CO2 emission effects with or without compensation
AU Gelan
Energy Economics 71, 186-200, 2018
The effect of single farm payments on less favoured areas agriculture in Scotland: a CGE analysis
A Gelan, G Schwarz
MTT Agrifood Research Finland, 2008
Trade policy and city primacy in developing countries
A Gelan
Review of Urban & Regional Development Studies: Journal of the Applied …, 2008
Examining returns to scale in smallholder dairy farms in East Africa
A Gelan, BW Muriithi
Quarterly Journal of International Agriculture 54 (3), 239-261, 2015
Forests' role in tourism: Phase 2
G Hill, P Courtney, R Burton, J Potts, P Shannon, N Hanley, C Spash, ...
The Macauley Institute, 2003
Beyond tariffs: The role of non‐tariff barriers in dairy trade in the East African community free trade area
A Gelan, A Omore
Development Policy Review 32 (5), 523-543, 2014
Integrating livestock in CAADP framework: Policy analysis using a dynamic computable general equilibrium model for Ethiopia
A Gelan, E Engida, AS Caria, JT Karugia
International Food Policy Research Institute, 2013
The role of livestock in the Ethiopian economy: Policy analysis using a dynamic computable general equilibrium model for Ethiopia
A Gelan, E Engida, AS Caria, JT Karugia
A policy impact evaluation model for Scotland: decoupling single farm payments
A Gelan, G Schwarz
The Macaulay Institute, 2006
Diversifying a resource-dependent economy: private–public relationships in the Kuwaiti economy
A Gelan, GJD Hewings, A Alawadhi
Journal of Economic Structures 10 (1), 15, 2021
Sustainable local land use policy: rhetoric and reality
A Gelan, P Shannon, M Aitkenhead
Local Environment 13 (4), 291-308, 2008
Measuring and explaining economic efficiency of dairy farms: A case study of smallholder farms in East Africa
A Gelan, B Muriithi
3rd Conference of African Association of Agricultural Economists: Africa and …, 2010
Climate change and food security: assessing the prospect for Kuwait using an economy-wide model
AU Gelan, G Atkinson
Kuwait Journal of Science 49 (4), 2022
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Articles 1–20