Ben Creagh-Brown
Ben Creagh-Brown
Consultant Physician / Professor
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Tocilizumab in patients admitted to hospital with COVID-19 (RECOVERY): a randomised, controlled, open-label, platform trial
RECOVERY Collaborative Group
Lancet (London, England) 397 (10285), 1637, 2021
Genetic mechanisms of critical illness in COVID-19
E Pairo-Castineira, S Clohisey, L Klaric, AD Bretherick, K Rawlik, D Pasko, ...
Nature 591 (7848), 92-98, 2021
Effect of hydrocortisone on mortality and organ support in patients with severe COVID-19: the REMAP-CAP COVID-19 corticosteroid domain randomized clinical trial
DC Angus, L Derde, F Al-Beidh, D Annane, Y Arabi, A Beane, ...
Jama 324 (13), 1317-1329, 2020
Adjunctive Glucocorticoid Therapy in Patients with Septic Shock
et al. Venkatesh, Balasubramanian
New England Journal of Medicine, 2018
Mapping the human genetic architecture of COVID-19
Writing group Writing group leaders Pathak Gita A. 6 Andrews Shea J. 7 Kanai ...
Nature 600 (7889), 472-477, 2021
Trial of the route of early nutritional support in critically ill adults
KMR Sheila E Harvey, Francesca Parrott, David A Harrison, Danielle E Bear ...
New England Journal of Medicine 371 (18), 1673-1684, 2014
Casirivimab and imdevimab in patients admitted to hospital with COVID-19 (RECOVERY): a randomised, controlled, open-label, platform trial
RECOVERY Collaborative Group, PW Horby, M Mafham, L Peto, ...
Medrxiv, 2021.06. 15.21258542, 2021
BTS/ICS guideline for the ventilatory management of acute hypercapnic respiratory failure in adults
AC Davidson, S Banham, M Elliott, D Kennedy, C Gelder, A Glossop, ...
Thorax 71 (Suppl 2), ii1-ii35, 2016
A systematic review and consensus definitions for standardised end-points in perioperative medicine: pulmonary complications
TEF Abbott, AJ Fowler, P Pelosi, MG De Abreu, AM Møller, J Canet, ...
British journal of anaesthesia 120 (5), 1066-1079, 2018
Effect of reduced exposure to vasopressors on 90-day mortality in older critically ill patients with vasodilatory hypotension: a randomized clinical trial
F Lamontagne, A Richards-Belle, K Thomas, DA Harrison, MZ Sadique, ...
Jama 323 (10), 938-949, 2020
Baricitinib in patients admitted to hospital with COVID-19 (RECOVERY): a randomised, controlled, open-label, platform trial and updated meta-analysis
O Abani, A Abbas, F Abbas, J Abbas, K Abbas, M Abbas, S Abbasi, ...
The Lancet 400 (10349), 359-368, 2022
Azithromycin in patients admitted to hospital with COVID-19 (RECOVERY): a randomised, controlled, open-label, platform trial
RECOVERY Collaborative Group
Lancet (London, England) 397 (10274), 605, 2021
Definitions and pathophysiology of vasoplegic shock
S Lambden, BC Creagh-Brown, J Hunt, C Summers, LG Forni
Critical Care 22, 1-8, 2018
Effect of convalescent plasma on organ support–free days in critically ill patients with COVID-19: a randomized clinical trial
H Abdelhady, M Abdelrazik, Z Abdi, D Abdo, A Abdulle, L Abel, ...
Jama 326 (17), 1690-1702, 2021
Perioperative interventions for prevention of postoperative pulmonary complications: systematic review and meta-analysis
PM Odor, S Bampoe, D Gilhooly, B Creagh-Brown, SR Moonesinghe
Bmj 368, 2020
Psychological rumination and recovery from work in intensive care professionals: associations with stress, burnout, depression and health
T Vandevala, L Pavey, O Chelidoni, NF Chang, B Creagh-Brown, A Cox
Journal of intensive care 5, 1-8, 2017
Epidemiological characteristics, practice of ventilation, and clinical outcome in patients at risk of acute respiratory distress syndrome in intensive care units from 16 …
The Lancet Respiratory Medicine 4 (11), 882-893, 2016
Epidemiology of intra-abdominal infection and sepsis in critically ill patients:“AbSeS”, a multinational observational cohort study and ESICM Trials Group Project
S Blot, M Antonelli, K Arvaniti, K Blot, B Creagh-Brown, D De Lange, ...
Intensive care medicine 45, 1703-1717, 2019
Overview of the JET preparation for deuterium–tritium operation with the ITER like-wall
E Joffrin, S Abduallev, M Abhangi, P Abreu, V Afanasev, M Afzal, ...
Nuclear Fusion 59 (11), 112021, 2019
Effect of protocolized weaning with early extubation to noninvasive ventilation vs invasive weaning on time to liberation from mechanical ventilation among patients with …
GD Perkins, D Mistry, S Gates, F Gao, C Snelson, N Hart, L Camporota, ...
Jama 320 (18), 1881-1888, 2018
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Articles 1–20