Ke Chen
Ke Chen
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CACTI-P: Architecture-level modeling for SRAM-based structures with advanced leakage reduction techniques
S Li, K Chen, JH Ahn, JB Brockman, NP Jouppi
Computer-Aided Design (ICCAD), 2011 IEEE/ACM International Conference on …, 2011
CACTI-3DD: Architecture-level modeling for 3D die-stacked DRAM main memory. In 2012 Design, Automation & Test in Europe Conference & Exhibition (DATE 2012). 33–38
K Chen, S Li, N Muralimanohar, JH Ahn, JB Brockman, NP Jouppi
CACTI-3DD: Architecture-level modeling for 3D die-stacked DRAM main memory
K Chen, S Li, N Muralimanohar, JH Ahn, JB Brockman, NP Jouppi
Design, Automation & Test in Europe Conference & Exhibition (DATE), 2012, 33-38, 2012
Half-DRAM: a High-bandwidth and Low-power DRAM Architecture from the Rethinking of Fine-grained Activation
T Zhang, K Chen, C Xu, G Sun, T Wang, Y Xie
Computer Architecture (ISCA), 2014 ACM/IEEE 41st International Symposium on …, 2014
Separate memory controllers to access data in memory
DH Yoon, S Li, J Chang, K Chen, P Ranganathan, NP Jouppi
US Patent App. 14/785,120, 2016
System implications of memory reliability in exascale computing
S Li, K Chen, MY Hsieh, N Muralimanohar, CD Kersey, JB Brockman, ...
Proceedings of 2011 International Conference for High Performance Computing …, 2011
MAGE: adaptive granularity and ECC for resilient and power efficient memory systems
S Li, DH Yoon, K Chen, J Zhao, JH Ahn, JB Brockman, Y Xie, NP Jouppi
High Performance Computing, Networking, Storage and Analysis (SC), 2012 …, 2012
Crail-KV: A High-Performance Distributed Key-Value Store Leveraging Native KV-SSDs over NVMe-oF
T Bisson, K Chen, C Choi, V Balakrishnan, Y Kee
2018 IEEE 37th International Performance Computing and Communications …, 2018
3D-SWIFT: a High-performance 3D-stacked Wide IO DRAM
T Zhang, C Xu, K Chen, G Sun, Y Xie
Proceedings of the 24th edition of the great lakes symposium on VLSI, 51-56, 2014
Performance impacts of non-blocking caches in out-of-order processors
S Li, K Chen, JB Brockman, NP Jouppi
Technical paper, 2011
History-Assisted Adaptive-Granularity Caches (HAAG $) for High Performance 3D DRAM Architectures
K Chen, S Li, JH Ahn, N Muralimanohar, J Zhao, C Xu, Y Xie, ...
Proceedings of the 29th ACM on International Conference on Supercomputing …, 2015
System Implications of Memory Reliability in Exascale Computing.
MNMN Hsieh, AF Rodrigues, S Li, K Chen, N Muralimanohar, CD Kersey, ...
Sandia National Laboratories (SNL-NM), Albuquerque, NM (United States), 2011
Caching data in a memory system having memory nodes at different hierarchical levels
NP Jouppi, S Li, K Chen
US Patent App. 14/764,651, 2015
Modeling and design of high-performance and power-efficient 3D dram architectures
K Chen
University of Notre Dame, 2013
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Articles 1–14