Rosalind McDougall
Rosalind McDougall
Melbourne School of Population and Global Health, University of Melbourne, Australia
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Cited by
Computer knows best? The need for value-flexibility in medical AI
RJ McDougall
Journal of medical ethics 45 (3), 156-160, 2019
Overriding parents’ medical decisions for their children: a systematic review of normative literature
RJ McDougall, L Notini
Journal of medical ethics 40 (7), 448-452, 2014
Reviewing literature in bioethics research: Increasing rigour in non‐systematic reviews
R McDougall
Bioethics 29 (7), 523-528, 2015
Acting parentally: an argument against sex selection
R McDougall
Journal of Medical Ethics 31 (10), 601-605, 2005
Balancing health worker well-being and duty to care: an ethical approach to staff safety in COVID-19 and beyond
RJ McDougall, L Gillam, D Ko, I Holmes, C Delany
Journal of Medical Ethics 47 (5), 318-323, 2021
Systematic reviews in bioethics: types, challenges, and value
R McDougall
Journal of Medicine and Philosophy 39 (1), 89-97, 2014
Developing “ethical mindfulness” in continuing professional development in healthcare: Use of a personal narrative approach
M Guillemin, R McDougall, L Gillam
Cambridge Quarterly of Healthcare Ethics 18 (2), 197-208, 2009
Ethics of fertility preservation for prepubertal children: should clinicians offer procedures where efficacy is largely unproven?
RJ McDougall, L Gillam, C Delany, Y Jayasinghe
Journal of medical ethics 44 (1), 27-31, 2018
Parental virtue: A new way of thinking about the morality of reproductive actions
R McDougall
Bioethics 21 (4), 181-190, 2007
When doctors and parents disagree: ethics, paediatrics and the zone of parental discretion
R McDougall, C Delany, L Gillam
(No Title), 2016
Fertility counseling for transgender adolescents: a review
TC Lai, R McDougall, D Feldman, CV Elder, KC Pang
Journal of Adolescent Health 66 (6), 658-665, 2020
Amniotic fluid embolism syndrome: case report and review
RJ McDougall, GJ Duke
Anaesthesia and intensive care 23 (6), 735-740, 1995
‘This is uncharted water for all of us’: challenges anticipated by hospital clinicians when voluntary assisted dying becomes legal in Victoria
R McDougall, B Hayes, M Sellars, B Pratt, A Hutchinson, M Tacey, ...
Australian Health Review 44 (3), 399-404, 2019
A waitlist intervention for transgender young people and psychosocial outcomes
S Dahlgren Allen, MA Tollit, R McDougall, D Eade, M Hoq, KC Pang
Pediatrics 148 (2), 2021
What kinds of cases do paediatricians refer to clinical ethics? Insights from 184 case referrals at an Australian paediatric hospital
RJ McDougall, L Notini
Journal of Medical Ethics 42 (9), 586-591, 2016
Too much safety? Safeguards and equal access in the context of voluntary assisted dying legislation
R McDougall, B Pratt
BMC Medical Ethics 21, 1-10, 2020
Primary care physicians' views about gatekeeping in clinical research recruitment: a qualitative study
M Guillemin, R McDougall, D Martin, N Hallowell, A Brookes, L Gillam
AJOB Empirical Bioethics 8 (2), 99-105, 2017
The ethical junior: a typology of ethical problems faced by house officers
R McDougall, DK Sokol
Journal of the Royal Society of Medicine 101 (2), 67-70, 2008
Forever young? The ethics of ongoing puberty suppression for non-binary adults
L Notini, BD Earp, L Gillam, RJ McDougall, J Savulescu, M Telfer, ...
Journal of Medical Ethics 46 (11), 743-752, 2020
Support for and willingness to be involved in voluntary assisted dying: a multisite, cross‐sectional survey study of clinicians in Victoria, Australia
M Sellars, M Tacey, R McDougall, B Hayes, B Pratt, C Hempton, ...
Internal medicine journal 51 (10), 1619-1628, 2021
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