Ian Abrahams
Ian Abrahams
Professor of Science Education, University of Roehampton
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Does practical work really work? A study of the effectiveness of practical work as a teaching and learning method in school science
I Abrahams, R Millar
International Journal of Science Education 30 (14), 1945-1965, 2008
Practical work: Its effectiveness in primary and secondary schools in England
I Abraham, MJ Reiss
Journal of Research in Science Teaching 49 (8), 1035-1055, 2012
Does practical work really motivate? A study of the affective value of practical work in secondary school science
I Abrahams
International Joutnal of Science Education 31 (17), 2335-2353, 2009
Practical work: making it more effective
R Millar, I Abrahams
School Science Review 91 (334), 59-64, 2009
The assessment of practical work in school science
I Abrahams, MJ Reiss, RM Sharpe
Studies in Science Education 49 (2), 209-251, 2013
Practical work in secondary science: A minds-on approach
I Abrahams
Practical work in school science: A minds-on approach
I Abrahams
A study of teachers’ views on practical work in secondary schools in England and Wales
I Abrahams, M Saglam
International Journal of Science Education 32 (6), 753-768, 2010
Students’ knowledge acquisition and ability to apply knowledge into different science contexts in two different independent learning settings
M Cukurova, J Bennett, I Abrahams
ReseaRch in science & Technological educaTion 36 (1), 17-34, 2018
How to learn in and from the chemistry laboratory
A Hofstein, M Kipnis, I Abrahams
Teaching chemistry–A studybook, 153-182, 2013
The impact of the ‘Getting Practical: Improving Practical Work in Science’continuing professional development programme on teachers’ ideas and practice in science practical work
I Abrahams, MJ Reiss, R Sharpe
Research in Science & Technological Education 32 (3), 263-280, 2014
Secondary school students’ attitudes to practical work in biology, chemistry and physics in England
R Sharpe, I Abrahams
Research in Science & Technological Education 38 (1), 84-104, 2020
The assessment of practical skills
MJ Reiss, I Abrahams
School science review 357, 40-44, 2015
Science teachers’ continuing professional development: online vs face-to-face
SA Binmohsen, I Abrahams
Research in Science & Technological Education 40 (3), 291-319, 2022
Performing science: Teaching chemistry, physics and biology through drama
I Abrahams, M Braund
A&C Black, 2012
Minds-on practical work for effective science learning
I Abrahams
Science education, 403-413, 2017
Improving the assessment of practical work in school science
M Reiss, I Abrahams, R Sharpe
A report on the assessment of practical work in school science: Institute of …, 2012
Effective practical work in primary science: The role of empathy
I Abrahams, M Reiss
Primary Science 113, 26-27, 2010
An unrealistic image of science
I Abrahams
School Science Review 88, 119-122, 2007
A comparative cross-cultural study of the prevalence and nature of misconceptions in physics amongst English and Chinese undergraduate students
I Abrahams, M Homer, R Sharpe, M Zhou
Research in Science & Technological Education 33 (1), 111-130, 2015
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Articles 1–20