Elie Michel
Cited by
Cited by
The electoral politics of solidarity. The welfare state agendas of radical right
Z Lefkofridi, E Michel
The Strains of Commitment. The Political Sources of Solidarity in Diverse …, 2014
The Welfare Agenda of the Populist Radical Right in Western Europe: Combining Welfare Chauvinism, Producerism and Populism
K Abts, E Dalle Mulle, S van Kessel, E Michel
Swiss Political Science Review 27 (1), 21-40, 2021
Leader Effects and Voting for the Populist Radical Right in Western Europe
E Michel, D Garzia, F Ferreira da Silva, A De Angelis
Swiss Political Science Review 26 (3), 273-295, 2020
Enfranchising immigrants and/or emigrants? Attitudes towards voting rights expansion among sedentary nationals in Europe
E Michel, J Blatter
Ethnic and Racial Studies 44 (11), 1935-1954, 2020
Welfare politics and the radical right: The relevance of welfare politics for the radical right’s success in Western Europe
E Michel
Exclusive solidarity
Z Lefkofridi, E Michel
Radical right parties and the welfare state, 2014
Campaigning in an unprecedented election: issue competition in the French 2017 presidential election
R Lachat, E Michel
West European Politics 43 (3), 565-586, 2019
‘Citizens’ Attitudes Under Covid19’, a cross-country panel survey of public opinion in 11 advanced democracies
NS Sylvain Brouard, Martial Foucault, Elie Michel, Michael Becher, Pavlos ...
Scientific Data 9 (108), 2022
Enfranchisement regimes beyond de-territorialization and post-nationalism: definitions, implications, and public support for different electorates
J Blatter, E Michel, SD Schmid
Democratization 29 (7), 1208-1229, 2022
euandi2019 : project description and datasets documentation
E Michel, L Cicchi, D Garzia, F Ferreira Da Silva, AH Trechsel
Robert Schuman Working Paper, 2019
Radical right and the welfare state: the electoral relevance of welfare politics
E Michel
Bardi, L., Kriesi, H., Trechsel, AH (eds.), 167-185, 2014
A shared agenda, with a right-wing slant: public opinion priorities towards the French Presidential election
V Emanuele, L De Sio, E Michel
The year of challengers, 63-68, 2018
Macron with a comfortable majority undermined by record low turnout
E Michel
The year of challengers, 115-118, 2018
Un’agenda condivisa con un’inclinazione a destra: le priorità dell’opinione pubblica verso le elezioni presidenziali francesi’
V Emanuele, L De Sio, E Michel
Emanuele, V., e Paparo, A.(a cura di), Dall’Europa alla Sicilia. Elezioni e …, 2017
French presidential election: An expected surprise
E Michel
The year of challengers, 87-90, 2018
Chi risolverà i problemi della Francia? La credibilità dei candidati sui problemi più importanti
A Paparo, L De Sio, E Michel
Emanuele, V., e Paparo, A.(a cura di), Dall’Europa alla Sicilia. Elezioni e …, 2017
The Strategic Adaptation of the Populist Radical Right in Western Europe: Shifting the Party Message
E Michel
The Oxford Handbook of Electoral Persuasion, 2019
Citizens’ attitudes under COVID-19 pandemic
S Brouard, M Foucault, E Michel
Paris: Sciences Po, 2020
French parliamentary elections: Macron’s successful bet’
E Michel
The year of challengers, 113-114, 2018
Presidenziali in Francia: cronaca di una sorpresa prevista
E Michel
Emanuele, V., e Paparo, A.(a cura di), Dall’Europa alla Sicilia. Elezioni e …, 2017
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Articles 1–20