Ine Wouters
Ine Wouters
Hoogleraar, Architectural Engineering, Vrije Universiteit Brussel
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Cited by
A method for the identification and modelling of realistic domestic occupancy sequences for building energy demand simulations and peer comparison
D Aerts, J Minnen, I Glorieux, I Wouters, F Descamps
Building and environment 75, 67-78, 2014
Touching materials visually: About the dominance of vision in building material assessment
L Wastiels, H Schifferstein, I Wouters, A Heylighen
International Journal of Design 7 (2), 31-41, 2013
Red or rough, what makes materials warmer?
L Wastiels, HNJ Schifferstein, A Heylighen, I Wouters
Materials & Design 42, 441-449, 2012
Relating material experience to technical parameters: A case study on visual and tactile warmth perception of indoor wall materials
L Wastiels, HNJ Schifferstein, A Heylighen, I Wouters
Building and Environment 49, 359-367, 2012
Material considerations in architectural design: a study of the aspects identified by architects for selecting materials
L Wastiels, I Wouters
Architects’ considerations while selecting materials
L Wastiels, I Wouters
Materials & Design 34, 584-593, 2012
Discrete occupancy profiles from time-use data for user behaviour modelling in homes
D Aerts, J Minnen, I Glorieux, I Wouters, F Descamps
13th Conference of international building performance simulation association …, 2013
Performance assessment of ancient wind catchers-an experimental and analytical study
Z Hedayat, B Belmans, MH Ayatollahi, I Wouters, F Descamps
Energy procedia 78, 2578-2583, 2015
Iron and steel varieties in building industry between 1860 and 1914–A complex and confusing situation resolved
M De Bouw, I Wouters, J Vereecken, L Lauriks
Construction and building materials 23 (8), 2775-2787, 2009
Post-war building materials
S Van de Voorde, I Bertels, I Wouters
Post-war building materials in housing in Brussels 1945-1975= Naoorlogse bouwmaterialen in woningen in Brussel 1945-1975= Matériaux de construction d'après-guerre dans l …
S Van de Voorde, I Bertels, I Wouters
Experimental investigations on hot-driven structural rivets in historical French and Belgian wrought-iron structures (1880s–1890s)
Q Collette, S Sire, WJ Vermes, VJ Mesler, I Wouters
Construction and building materials 54, 258-269, 2014
Material knowledge for Design: The architect’s vocabulary
L Wastiels, I Wouters, J Lindekens
Emerging trends in Design Research, International Association of Societies …, 2007
Evolution of historical riveted connections: joining typologies, installation techniques and calculation methods
Q Collette, I Wouters, L Lauriks
Brebbia CA, Binda L.(éd.), Proceedings of 12th International Conference on …, 2011
Baltic shipping marks on nineteenth-century timber: their deciphering and a proposal for classifying old timber
L Vandenabeele, I Bertels, I Wouters
Construction History 31 (2), 157-176, 2016
A probabilistic activity model to include realistic occupant behaviour in building simulations
D Aerts, J Minnen, I Glorieux, I Wouters, F Descamps
IBPSA-Canada eSim, 2014
Lap shear tests on repaired wrought-iron riveted connections
Q Collette, S Sire, I Wouters
Engineering Structures 85, 170-181, 2015
Wind energy and natural ventilation potential of a wind catcher in Yazd–Iran (a long-term measurement)
Z Hedayat, B Belmans, MH Ayatollahi, I Wouters, F Descamps
International journal of green energy 14 (7), 650-655, 2017
Building Knowledge, Constructing Histories: Proceedings of the 6th International Congress on Construction History (6ICCH 2018), July 9-13, 2018, Brussels, Belgium
I Wouters, S Van de Voorde, I Bertels, B Espion, K De Jonge, D Zastavni
CRC Press, 2018
A Study on the Evolution in Design and Calculation of Iron and Steel Structures over the Mid 19th Century in Western and Central Europe
L Schueremans, H Porcher, B Rossi, I Wouters, E Verstrynge
International Journal of Architectural Heritage 12 (3), 320-333, 2018
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Articles 1–20