Horst Entorf
Horst Entorf
Verificeret mail på wiwi.uni-frankfurt.de
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Citeret af
Socioeconomic and demographic factors of crime in Germany: Evidence from panel data of the German states
H Entorf, H Spengler
International review of law and economics 20 (1), 75-106, 2000
What a difference immigration policy makes: A comparison of PISA scores in Europe and traditional countries of immigration
H Entorf, N Minoiu
German Economic Review 6 (3), 355-376, 2005
New technologies, wages, and worker selection
H Entorf, M Gollac, F Kramarz
Journal of Labor Economics 17 (3), 464-491, 1999
Random walks with drifts: Nonsense regression and spurious fixed-effect estimation
H Entorf
Journal of Econometrics 80 (2), 287-296, 1997
Does unmeasured ability explain the higher wages of new technology workers?
H Entorf, F Kramarz
European Economic Review 41 (8), 1489-1509, 1997
Peer effects, social multipliers and migrants at school: An international comparison
H Entorf, M Lauk
Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies 34 (4), 633-654, 2008
Crime in Europe: Causes and consequences
H Entorf, H Spengler
Springer Science & Business Media, 2002
Employment, innovation, and export activity: Evidence from firm-level data
H Entorf, W Pohlmeier
Florens, J. P., Ivaldi, M., Laffont, J. J. and Laisney, F. (Eds …, 1990
Is deterrence effective? Results of a meta-analysis of punishment
D Dölling, H Entorf, D Hermann, T Rupp
European Journal on Criminal Policy and Research 15, 201-224, 2009
The impact of new technologies on wages: lessons from matching panels on employees and on their firms
H Entorf, F Kramarz
Economics of innovation and new technology 5 (2-4), 165-198, 1998
On nonparametric estimation of the Schumpeterian link between innovation and firm size: evidence from Belgium, France, and Germany
I Bertschek, H Entorf
Empirical Economics 21, 401-426, 1996
Mismatch explanations of European unemployment: a critical evaluation
H Entorf, H Entorf
Mismatch Explanations of European Unemployment: A Critical Evaluation, 1-10, 1998
Refugees welcome? Understanding the regional heterogeneity of anti-foreigner hate crimes in Germany
H Entorf, M Lange
Understanding the Regional Heterogeneity of Anti-Foreigner Hate Crimes in …, 2019
Investigating the drugs–crime channel in economics of crime models: Empirical evidence from panel data of the German States
H Entorf, P Winker
International Review of Law and Economics 28 (1), 8-22, 2008
Kriminalität und Ökonomie: übersicht und neue Evidenz
H Entorf
Journal of Contextual Economics–Schmollers Jahrbuch, 417-450, 1996
Rational Migration Policy Should Tolerate Non‐zero Illegal Migration Flows: Lessons from Modelling the Market for Illegal Migration
H Entorf
International Migration 40 (1), 27-43, 2002
Crime and the Labour Market: Evidence from a Survey of Inmates.
H Entorf
Jahrbücher für Nationalökonomie und Statistik 229 (2, 3), 229 ( 2+3 ) , 2009 …, 2009
The PISA shock, socioeconomic inequality, and school reforms in Germany
M Davoli, H Entorf
IZA Policy Paper, 2018
Unzureichende Bildung: Folgekosten durch Kriminalität
H Entorf, P Sieger
Warum sparen in der Bildung teuer ist? Folgekosten unzureichender Bildung …, 2010
German exchange rate exposure at DAX and aggregate levels, international trade and the role of exchange rate adjustment costs
H Entorf, G Jamin
German Economic Review 8 (3), 344-374, 2007
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