Erik Knorth
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Cited by
Under one roof: A review and selective meta-analysis on the outcomes of residential child and youth care
EJ Knorth, AT Harder, T Zandberg, AJ Kendrick
Children and youth services review 30 (2), 123-140, 2008
Young people's transitions from care to adulthood: international research and practice
R Stohler, J Storo, D Vincent, J Wade, W Schröer, M Zeller, H Ward, ...
Jessica Kingsley Publishers, 2008
Therapeutic residential care for children and youth: A consensus statement of the international work group on therapeutic residential care
JK Whittaker, L Holmes, JF del Valle, F Ainsworth, T Andreassen, J Anglin, ...
Residential treatment for children & youth 33 (2), 89-106, 2016
Decision making in child protection: An international comparative study on maltreatment substantiation, risk assessment and interventions recommendations, and the role of …
R Benbenishty, B Davidson-Arad, M López, J Devaney, T Spratt, ...
Child Abuse & Neglect 49, 63-75, 2015
Placement History of Foster Children
J Strijker, EJ Knorth, J Knot-Dickscheit
Child welfare 87 (5), 107-124, 2008
Therapeutic residential care for children and youth: Developing evidence-based international practice
H Grietens, E Knorth, R Barth, M Cummings, M Stein, M Courtney, ...
Jessica Kingsley Publishers, 2014
A secure base? The adolescent–staff relationship in secure residential youth care
AT Harder, EJ Knorth, ME Kalverboer
Child & Family Social Work 18 (3), 305-317, 2013
Meaningful participation for children in the Dutch child protection system: A critical analysis of relevant provisions in policy documents
H Bouma, ML López, EJ Knorth, H Grietens
Child abuse & neglect 79, 279-292, 2018
Art therapy with children with Autism Spectrum Disorders: A review of clinical case descriptions on ‘what works’
C Schweizer, EJ Knorth, M Spreen
The Arts in Psychotherapy 41 (5), 577-593, 2014
Participation of youth in decision‐making procedures during residential care: A narrative review
MDC Ten Brummelaar, AT Harder, ME Kalverboer, WJ Post, EJ Knorth
Child & Family Social Work 23 (1), 33-44, 2018
Family‐centred residential care: The new reality?
EMW Geurts, J Boddy, MJ Noom, EJ Knorth
Child & Family social work 17 (2), 170-179, 2012
Residentiële jeugdzorg in beeld: Een overzichtsstudie naar de doelgroep, werkwijzen en uitkomsten [Residential youth care in the picture: A review study of its target group …
A Harder, EJ Knorth, T Zandberg
SWP Publishers, 2006
Families in multi-problem situations: Backgrounds, characteristics, and care services
T Tausendfreund, J Knot-Dickscheit, GC Schulze, EJ Knorth, H Grietens
Child & Youth Services 37 (1), 4-22, 2016
Securing the downside up: Client and care factors associated with outcomes of secure residential youth care
AT Harder, EJ Knorth, ME Kalverboer
Child & Youth Care Forum 41, 259-276, 2012
Aggressive adolescents in residential care: A selective review of treatment requirements and models
EJ Knorth, M Klomp, PM Van den Bergh, MJ Noom
Adolescence 42 (167), 461, 2007
Factors associated with the adjustment of foster children in the Netherlands
J Strijker, EJ Knorth
American Journal of Orthopsychiatry 79 (3), 421-429, 2009
Residential youth care and treatment research: Care workers as key factor in outcomes?
EJ Knorth, AT Harder, AMN Huyghen, ME Kalverboer, T Zandberg
International Journal of Child & Family Welfare 13 (1-2), 49-67, 2010
Knowledge of the unknown child: A systematic review of the elements of the best interests of the child assessment for recently arrived refugee children
ECC Van Os, ME Kalverboer, AE Zijlstra, WJ Post, EJ Knorth
Clinical Child and Family Psychology Review 19, 185-203, 2016
Exploring what works in art therapy with children with autism: Tacit knowledge of art therapists
C Schweizer, M Spreen, EJ Knorth
Art therapy 34 (4), 183-191, 2017
Transition secured? A follow-up study of adolescents who have left secure residential care
AT Harder, EJ Knorth, ME Kalverboer
Children and Youth Services Review 33 (12), 2482-2488, 2011
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Articles 1–20